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I wake up to the bright sun shining on my face, and large bags under my eyes from the short amount of sleep I got. As I get up my nightgown falls to me feet and I walk to my window, looking out to the quiet kingdom. Although I beat myself up a lot last night I know that I indeed helped my kingdom a lot, we've grown a lot in the past month, and while nothing will ever be the same, we are as close to normal as we will get. 

I was weird being home after the time away, here I had to wear long elegant dresses and act a certain way that fit the persona of a princess, but at the Resistance I was seen as everyone else wearing the same thing as everyone and was able to act just like everyone else. But the one way I was able to escape the kingdom was when I would train, and it had been way too long since I did.

I ran down the stairs in my Jedi robes and with my lightsaber in my hand, I grabbed a training ball and my blinding helmet. It felt relaxing to be back in my private yard, I basically spent all of my time in here once we figured out I was force sensitive. 

I dodge every shot from the floating droid with ease, skillfully putting my mind and body into the force. I put out my hand, force grabbing the ball and shutting off as I took off my helmet, out of breath. I set them down beside me and sit on the ground, focusing on the earth around me. I float in the air as I gather the force around me, meditating. I feel the life of the plants around me and the darkness of the deeps of the the planet, I'm surrounded with old memories of myself when I was younger. 

I am taken out of my peaceful state of mind when I appear to be on some sort of snow planet, the force obviously playing with my mind. But this time it's different, usually if I was meditating it would only be my own experiences, yet here I am watching old rusty ships speed from a gigantic metal wall. When I look at what they were going at I saw large AT-M6's, and First Order ships, but behind them all, a cannon. 

I watched the rusty ships split, beautiful red sand following each ship, and I realized that this was not a past memory of anyone. It was the present, and the Resistance was in great danger. 

I take myself out of meditation, floating back to the ground, and sprint back into the castle whilst getting weird looks from our maids. I run up the stairs and find my mothers office, bursting threw the doors, startling my mother on the other side. "Elise, you should knock, what is wrong?" 

"Mother, it's the Resistance, they're in big trouble. We have to help." I struggle to say because I am out of breath. I can't have them all die and I just sit around and do nothing, they are my new family. "Darling, I know. They're on Crait, they called out for help, but that is something we don't have the strength to give." I start to freak out, anxiousness fills me up. "We can't just leave them to die, I saw them, in a vision they are going to be destroyed!" At this point I am basically yelling at her, while pacing in front of her.

Suddenly pain fills me, and the force was disturbed heavily, my mother voice drones out as I hear nothing. It was Luke, I could tell. I look up from my chair and meet the worried glance of my mom. "It's Luke, he's gone." I say just above a whisper. Just as I say that a monitor next to my mother goes off and she glances, sighing in relief. 

"They escaped, I got a message from the Falcon." She says and walks over so that she is standing next to me, and she rubs my back in a comforting way. "Why did you get the message so fast?" I ask and she gives me a slight smile. 

"Well before you felt that Luke was gone I was trying to tell you that we are helping them. They are going to stay on Religne, that is until they can find a more suitable base. Leia mainly just wants to focus on the health of the Resistance before they go back to train." I am equally relieved as I am terrified.

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