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[10. ZAOFU]

You felt someone cover you with a soft blanket, when you were about to fall asleep on one of the airship's beds. You were very tired, after everything that happened.

You lazily lifted my head up and opened your eyes to see Mako.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up" He whispered and scratched the back of his neck.

"Its fine. Where are we?" you mumbled, as you struggled to keep your eyes open. "We just got a call from the radio, there is an airbender on the city of Zaofu, which is located in the southwestern part of the Earth Kingdom. That's were we're heading" he explained, still keeping his voice low.

"oh okay" you muttered and then yawned.

"Get some more rest. I'll wake you up when we land, alright?" Mako stated and gently brushed your messy hair out of your face.


"Yeah!" Bolin screamed in joy, when your airship landed. You were excited too. The doors opened, as you watched the metalbenders, forming ramp for you.

"Aren't you coming?" you asked Lin, when you noticed her still sitting.

"What's there to see? It's metal. Big woop. Just find the airbender and get moving. Don't tell anyone I'm here!" Lin bossily said, lifting her finger up.

"Why not?" Korra inquired, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"I don't need to explain myself to you! Just do what I say!"

"Fine. You've got it Chief Kranky pants" Korra joked, lifting her hands up to the air in defeat. You chuckled at the Avatar's comment.

"Avatar Korra. It is an honor to meet you. My name is Aiwei!" Said a man, with glasses and a big golden earring that went from his nose to his ear.

"Thank you for having us" The Avatar replied, bowing.

"Is this everyone?" Aiwei asked, gesturing to you. He seemed to be.. nice. But you didn't know, you just met him.

"Yep! Just us. So, can I meet the new airbender?" Korra asked, being impatient. 

"Of course! Right this way!" Aiwei stated and signed you to follow him. You entered an elevator and the metalbenders moved it downwards.

The city of Zaofu was absolutely beautiful! You hated to say it, but, it was even prettier than Ba Sing Se. More charming and fascinating. It had an elegant style.

You got into a wagon, that was going to take you to the airbender.
Your excitement was getting bigger and bigger as you watched outside of the window in awe.

"Isn't it beautiful?! Look at these buildings!" you gasped, smiling and pointing outside. Mako didn't even glanced at the majestic surroundings. He just kept looking at you.

"yeah.. it is beautiful", he mumbled, not really giving attention outside. But, Bolin was just as excited as you were. Traveling with the Avatar, was the best decision you've ever made.

"That statue honors the first metalbender. Toph Beifong, who expanded the possibilities of what benders were capable of." Aiwei informed you, when you passed next to a huge, shiny statue of the one and only, Toph. It was breathtaking.

"She looks so...powerful" you commented, gazing at the metallic statue.

"Here, everyone is encouraged to reach his or hers highest potential." Aiwei added, proudly.

"Does Toph live here?!" Bolin asked loudly and faced Aiwei.
"Oh are we gonna get to meet her?!" you gasped and smiled.

"I'm afraid not. She used to visit from time to time but years ago she left to wander the world, in search of inlightment. No one has seen her since.." Aiwei explained, Bolin's face dropped and you felt a little disappointed.

After a few minutes, the wagon finally came into a stop. You got off of it and your eyes widened at the beauty of this place.

"Wow! Is this were the airbender lives?" Korra asked, her eyes sparkling as she looked around.

"Yes, but first, her mother wants to meet you" The man stated and everyone nodded. You followed him into an extremely tall, metallic, building.

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