Karasuno - Bludger

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AU: Harry Potter - Quidditch


(despite it being a Karasuno one-shot, it leans toward Sawamura a bit because he's the captain)

Word Count: 1.8K


You'd have to admit to yourself eventually. These students were as reckless as hell.

"I'm sorry (L/N). I understand that this must be a bit frustrating to watch," the one with slick-haired bangs, Ennoshita, sighed next to you, watching his team fly through the air in staggered movements.

The boys screamed as they raced through the air, chasing and being chased by various flying balls and players alike. You groaned, watching the small red-head get smashed in the face by a bludger and quickly fall into the ground below him.

"I wouldn't mind so much if I wasn't the student nurse. But because I'm here it means I have to take care of all of you," you grumbled and turned to the boy on the field. "Hinata are you alright?"

The boy jumped up from the grass field and waved excitedly in your direction. His nose was bleeding.

"For the love of God, Hinata get over here!"

As you iced the boy's nose he talked happily as if nothing was bothering him, though his voice did come out a bit nasally because of his nose being covered.

"Uh, (L/N)?" Sawamura poked his head into the changing room where medical supplies were held. "Classes are going to start again soon, where should we put all the equipment?"

Taking off the ice from Hinata's face you checked if the bleeding stopped and pointed to the door in the corner of the room. "It's all from the storage closet, everything goes in there."

Sawamura smiled and left the room. His immediate yelling told you that the team was being just as chaotic even with their missing fireball of a fifth year.

Hinata rattled on as his group brought in all the supplies, "What's your favourite subject? I like Defence Against the Dark Arts."

"I've always been a fan of herbology and potions, they work together and are needed for medicine."

"That's cool. I've never been good at those. I always need help from the seventh years."

You ruffled the boy's hair, making him smile at the tingling feeling at his roots. "Well, if you need any help, feel free to ask."

Hinata jumped from his seat on the bench, narrowly missing the opportunity to head but you in the nose, and rushed out the door to help grab equipment. "Kageyama! (L/N) is going to help us with our classes!"

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