Ashton and Julie

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Something Special (part two)

Julie's pov:

I wake up startled to the sounds of back and forth shouting coming from downstairs.

I don't know when I fell asleep exactly, or about how long I've been sleeping for, but I felt tired, weak.

I couldn't help but hold my head slightly, dizzy from crying myself into a restless sleep.

In a way, I kinda felt pathetic.

Just crying my problems away like they would disappear on their own. I wish I was stronger than that.

Or maybe it's because I thought I was stronger than that.

I normally don't get upset so easily, nor have I had a lot of fights in my past.

I'm normally the type of person who helps solve the problem and brings everyone close together again.

Pulling my body up slightly from my bed, I can make out the sound of my dad angrily yelling at someone, although I couldn't hear what he was exactly saying.

Was it Ashton?

Was he here apologize?

For some reason, I start to feel a little nervous.

I just want to know the reason behind today.

Was it something I did?

Normally when people exclude someone out of a conversation it means that they don't want to talk to that person.

Which means that they are upset.

Is he here to tell me that everyone is actually upset with me?

That I did something wrong?

But maybe that's not the case...

But what if it is...

Not it's not...

It could be...

It can't!

It could!


Standing up with my blanket wrapped around my body, I slowly make my way towards my bedroom door, quietly peeking out to hear the conversation better.

"-... AND I EVEN TOLD YOU that if you HURT my daughter I would HURT YOU. If I didn't receive those calls from both my wife and your mother I would have had your head by now!!!"


What did my mom and Ashton's mom know?

What did my dad know?

But slowly coming to my senses and connecting the dots, I was pretty sure who the other voice belonged to.

And what's strange is that even though I was angry, I couldn't control the butterflies in my stomach after knowing that he was here.

It just shows that you can't stop loving someone while wanting to strap them to your dads lawnmower and drag them across the front yard.


Too specific?

"I know, I know!!! I should have...planned things differently. But you know me! And you know that I love your daughter and would never in a million years even think about hurting her on purpose. So I will ask again nicely... please let me see her."

"And let me put it to you nicely again... I think the F*CK NOT!"

"Fine! I guess we are playing it this way... LET ME THROUGH so I can SEE HER!!!"

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