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another one!!!!:)

Evidence— I needed evidence.

I couldn't physically stop Harry from hurting people, I was obviously no match for him. I don't even completely know what he does and I'm sure I was no competitor to get between it. Besides, as much as I hate it, I had act obedient so he wouldn't suspect my real intentions.

All I had was a camera and little courage.

I had to accumulate enough evidence against him that will land him straight in prison with no chance of parole. I needed to make the evidence seal proof so there was no way to escape it in court. Because if I really go through with turning him in but he wins the case, I'm a dead woman.

But if I get him in jail, I'm a free woman.

Although the minute I start doing this, there's no going back. I want to think it would just be easier to listen to him and go on with my life, but deep down I knew that wasn't true. It's never that easy with him, if I keep going down this path then I'll end up in a much worse situation and never escape. I had to do this, or I'll go the rest of my life being scared this man will pop up somewhere.

So now here I was sitting backstage in my dressing room, ten minutes before the concert begins.

We ended up just making it to sound check, a long silent drive for the two of us. Whenever Harry spoke I put on a smile, being the submissive woman he wanted me to be. Little did he know my mind was a carnival of what I was going to do to him.

Soundcheck I walked around and took my pictures, unseen and unheard. I remember watching them from the curtains, holding my camera. I did what I was suppose to, stay out of his way and don't take his picture directly.

Now here I was, hearing the roaring crowd cheer while they waited for the band to perform for the next two hours. I was in my dressing room, sitting on my leather couch with my hands in my lap and my leg jittering from nerves.

On the table in front of me was my camera and two memory cards. I stared at them with a nervous pit in my stomach, knowing what I was going to and how risky it could be.

"Aven I need you on the floor!" Sal knocked on the door so it shook.

I shot my head up and felt the pit in my stomach, my sweaty hands clenching my shaky knee caps.

"Coming!" I shout.

I grab the camera off the black table, putting the strap around my neck. My fingers grip one of the memory cards, putting it in the camera while I take the extra one and stick it into my bra. I stand to my feet and adjust my appearance really quick before swallowing my nerves and heading to the door.

I can do this.

I open my dressing room door, just to see Harry opening his across from me at the exact same time. I couldn't of timed that worse.

He was in a black shirt and a dark blue flannel on his arms, eyes landing right to mine while his two pincher fingers were fluffing his reddened nose.

I froze in my doorway, my feet forfeiting the ability to move. A sultry smirk and a sharp inhale through his nose gave me the deviant facade of a rockstar and his love for narcotics.

"Run along now." He murmurs, white of his eyes a glazed red. "Go take your pictures."

I shut my door and hurry off towards the stage, leaving him in my trail. I clear my throat and ignore the small interaction, my sneakers hurrying off down the shinny black floor.

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