Chapter 48 - MY BABY IS BACK!

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"In ten days, you will be taking the provisional license exam. Normally, students will not take this exam until their second year; however, with everything going on, Principal Nezu has decided to start early to release heroes as quickly as possible. For the next few days, you will be developing super-moves, and you're expected to have two by the end of this training. This should give you an advantage in battle, whether it be offensive or defensive. It's your ticket to winning. During this time, you may go to the support lab to improve your costume and gear to create a new move. To help you, we have Cementoss, Ectoplasm, Midnight, and Izuku if you need any help. Now, get to it." Shouta demands. The students take a moment to recover from the shock factor before heading to the field.

Yes, we are taking our provisional license exam in ten days, including me. Well, I could avoid it, but I need some credibility here.

"Izuku, you're taking two tests that day." The fuck?

"Why two? If anything, I don't have to take any at all. I'm only taking that one because people are jealous that I wasn't born with a quirk." Shouta sighs.

"This is different. It has nothing to do with heroes," now that piques my interest, " you probably heard of it. There is a test that you can take to be allowed to enter cases without Nezu over you. It gives you some control, more than the normal hero. Usually, you have to build your way to get into cases, let alone respect in those cases. This automatically gives you that right. It's rare for someone to past it, but you shouldn't have a problem." I ram the inside of my brain because, for fucking once, I never heard of that.

"Sounds like something Nezu would throw me in. How does it work?"

"You will be given a case, and you have four hours to figure it out."

"Now that's up my alley! Easy-peasy lemon squeezy!" I would do anything to get out of Nezu's control for the cases, so this works.

"Of course, it is. Do you have CAT programmed for the exam?"

"Yip yip! It's charging! After that, Mei will test it for me."




Flashback A Couple Days Ago

After the whole thing with CAT dying, I got the best offer ever. Melissa offered to rebuild CAT for me if I sent her the blueprints and allow her to make it better! With life being a bitch to me lately, I decided that accept that offer. She was only building the body, but they have all the material in the world to make it better. I would be a goddamn fool to decline it. The moment I got back to Japan, I updated the blueprints to do more things and sent them off to her. I kept in touch with Melissa, helping by providing ideas for her new projects that I couldn't do here in exchange for her to build that body. I made sure Mei was involved in that.

That was all over a month ago. Today is the day I'm supposed to get the new body of CAT! It's like waiting for Santa to bring me a present after I gave the man a plate of cookies with some milk. I haven't even argued with anybody yet. I'm staring out the window, waiting for the mail-person to arrive. I've been here since school has ended.

"Hey Kayama, where's Aizawa?" I hear Yagi ask in the background.

"He's been called out on a mission. Why?" I hear her respond.

"Young Midoriya has not moved from that spot for the past hour, nor has he argued with anyone today."

"Shoot. I'll go talk to him," A minute later, I feel a weight beside me, " Hey Izu, is something wrong?"

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