The Party.

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"So, Who's party is this?" I really did not know anything about this party.

"Oh, it's Axel Adam's party. He usually never throws or goes to parties but I guess his best friend Brandon convinced him to have one"

"Who is Axel and Brandon?"

Kelsey stopped and looked at me. "Brandon and Axel are two of the hottest guys in our school. They have other friends that are close to them. There is also Ben, Will, and Mike. These five guys all box which makes them hotter well except for Mike. They never are in a relationship except for Ben. Ben has had a girlfriend, Jenny, for about 5 months. Will is the finest out of all the boys in my opinion. Axel is the guy all the girls want but he has never settled down with anyone. He's just usually into girls for the sex. But he's been messing around with Tiffany and she believes that he will ask her out soon. No one really likes her but she's too popular and rich for anyone to say anything to her. And then there's my brother. " With the mention of her brother, she pretended to gag and made a weird face.

"And how do you know so much about them?" I ask surprised.

"Everyone knows this, duh"

"Alrighty then creep" I laughed

"Let's go, the party started an hour ago" Kelsey rolled her eyes

Kelsey only lived a few houses from Axel so we decided to walk. Mike already left for Axel's and told us he'll see us there. Axel's house was as big as Kelsey's, maybe even bigger. There were cars and kids everywhere. Some passed out on the lawn and some wobbling around the driveway. As we walked in, there were kids with red cups and kids playing beer pong. We walked into the kitchen and saw Mike.

"Sydney!" Mike said happily. "and Kels," he said as his smile fell.

"Haha hey, Mikey. Are you drunk already?" I asked as Kelsey went to go get a drink.

"Whatttttt? Psh, no. Maybee. Boop" Mikey said drunkenly, tapped my nose, then left.

As he left I went to go look for Kelsey. She was with a group of people taking shots.

"Hey come here and take some shots," Kels said as she waived a shot glass in my face.

"Uhh I don't know, I don't really want to get drunk in front of random people," I said unsurely.

"Loosen up, I'll be here to look out for you."

I wasn't sure if that was a joke or not because she looked already tipsy to me. Didn't she only take like one shot? Lightweight.

"Fine" I took the shot and felt the cool drink burn my throat.

After a few shots, I was feeling a little tipsy. When I am feeling tipsy I just let anything slip out of my mouth. I went and talked to a few people.

"Hey there Lil' lady," A random guy said wobbling towards me. If I weren't as tipsy, I would've just walked away but I'll entertain this guy for a moment.

"Oh hey there. You."I mutter awkwardly.

"What are you doing here all by yourself."

"I'm not here by myself." I turn to my side to point at Kelsey but it seems like she's talking to some guy. "Nevermind I guess I am. Well, I would love to finish this conversation, however, I think I'm needed over there. Goodbye," I start walking backward and as I turn around, I bump into someone. He grabs my elbows so I don't fall on my ass.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't see you there" I say while I looked into his eyes and they were the bluest eyes I've seen. He sort of looked like a mixture of Dylan O'Brien and Dave Franco but with blue eyes.

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