Ch22 End

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(Hey everyone. I just wanted to thank everyone who read this far and liked my story enough to read it to it's end. I had a lot of fun writing it and it makes me happy knowing some people loved it enough to read it fully. If you liked this consider checking out my other works. Thanks to everyone for reading this, faving it, or leaving a nice comment. And thank you to Palettepainter101 for creating such wonderful characters and giving me permission to make this wonderful story, and for all the help you gave me. Fern and Rosie are coowned by the both of us, Adair belongs to ellenka123. Please consider checking out their works as well. )


The small bar wasn't so busy tonight but the two drinks on the table were sitting for the two ladies who were talking to each other for the past few hours. One explaining the whole story to the other who was listening with interest. The insect demon took a swig of her drink as the other watched patiently waiting for her to speak. The small bottle was slapped back onto the table and her brow rose.

"So, that's really how you two got together? Wow. It sounds like I missed all the action."

She shrugged at Rouge, "Well, not all of it. You were there when Lou went crazy in the bar area."

She snorted. "Yeah. For like a few minutes. And ya never told me how you got that pretty collar off ya!"

She shrugged again before holding up the small drink. "It was Midnight who wanted it. She thought jimmying the lock with a small angelic blade would get it off and wouldn't you know it," She made a pop sound while gesturing to her neck. "It came off easier than a soda cap. I think she wanted to see if it would cancel out other magic besides mine. But it feels great not to have something constantly clamped around your neck anymore if you ask me."

She agreed it would've probably felt uncomfortable- Or she would have agreed if a scream hadn't made them both look towards the door on the far end of the room where a giant door lead out into a hallway. A very familiar voice was screaming and cursing at whoever the voice was chasing, the two looked at each other before looking towards the open door again as a white blur whirled around the doorway and pressed himself against the wall. Adair was breathing heavily gasping air into his lungs like he had just ran a marathon before turning around and sticking his head back out the doorway...He stuck his arm out and a second later a brown blur of Fern hit the extended arm and fell to the floor with a loud 'OOF!!', another form which was quickly identified as her daughter tripped over her brother and the two landed in a struggling heap on the floor- Adair was quick to grab his younger siblings and pull them into the small bar area as he again pressed his back into the wall. A moment later the still screaming and cursing Midnight ran right past the bar area covered in green liquid, leaving green droplets in her wake. As her form quickly disappeared the oldest was quick to push the other two to their feet and make them run across the bar area towards the hallway.

"RUN, RUN, RUN!! FIND DAD!! RUN, RUN!!" The women blinked and watched as the three ran past them towards the other exit. "HI, MOM!! BYE MOM!!"

The three children dashed out the door and made a right, presumably towards the one who could save them from Midnight's wrath...They slowly looked to each other again and Amalfia groaned, reaching a hand up to rub her face and push her half empty glass towards Rouge.

"Better make this a double for the headache tonight."

The demon chuckled. "Yes, Ma'am."

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