Episode 54: Simon And Harry Solve Two Long Term Issues

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"Alright, bitches!" Harry yelled as he kicked open the Chipotle door. Simon was behind him standing proudly, as though Harry hadn't totally just embarrassed the both of them. "This is my moment! I've been waiting for this!"

"Your moment?" Dylan asked, "Say more, please?"

"I've been waiting ages to announce a plot," Harry said and then walked into the Chipotle, letting the door slam into Simon. "Oh shit."

"And it's a total mess," Anusha said and then turned to Lewis, "Money?"

Lewis grumbled and handed her a five. "I had faith in him."

"You shouldn't have."

"Where the hell is Veronica?" Simon asked and looked around the table, holding onto his face where the door had smacked him.

"No one knows," Liz shrugged, but her tone was oddly suspicious. All the friends looked at her, but she ignored them. "So Harry what's-"

"Here, Si," Lachlan appeared out of the kitchen with a bag of ice and handed it to Simon. He looked over at Anusha. "Sorry, I was like a second behind."

Anusha wiped a tear from her eye. "You're doing great, sweetie."

"Thanks, Lachlan," Simon pressed the ice against his face and glared at Harry.

"The door swings where the door swings," Harry defended himself.

"The door swings where you let it go," Simon said back and then sat down and let Harry announce his news.

"What is it?" Josh asked, "We don't have all day."

"What?" Dylan asked, "What do you have to go do?"

"I don't know," Josh answered, "I just thought if I said that I'd feel all important."

"Do you?" Liz asked and Josh shook his head. "Didn't think so. You know better than to rush one of our kind."

"Our kind," Vik repeated, "We aren't a different species."

Liz shot him a look. "Aren't we?"

Vik was so intimidated by the stare that he agreed.

"Hey, hello, attention here please," Harry snapped.

"Snap at me one more time and I'll break your fingers," Anusha said calmly and Harry took a step back from her.

"Jesus," Simon said, "We need to get you to an anger management class or something."

"Shut up not-Lewis," Anusha said and Simon only gave her a look and then gave the floor back to Harry so he could announce the plot.

"Simon and I are going to be looking for girlfriends."

"Harry, no," Simon sighed, "I'm gay."

"Simon and I will be looking for boyfriends," Harry corrected and then looked at Simon and shrugged. "Kind of right."

Wild, Wild, Wild, Wild, Wild, WildThots.

KSI, Wroetoshaw, Vikkstar123, Simon, Zerkaa, Ethan, and Tobi.

SideThots with Anusha, Dylan, Liz, Veronica, Simon, Vik, Josh, Harry, Ethan, Tobi, and Lewis.

Season Three Episode Four: Simon And Harry Solve Two Long Term Issues

"What the fuck?" Liz asked, "What do you mean?"

"It means Simon and I both no longer want to be lonely," Harry put a hand on Simons shoulder, but Simon swiped it off and glared at him. "Excuse you this is a good thing."

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