Dave's Secret Room

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Warning of some sort: kissing scene and idk if you are comfortable or not so a warning.

It was the moment of truth. 

"n-no?" Karkat lied, sheepishly.

"tell the truth or i make you."

"No" he lied.

"you're such a bad liar, kitty~" Dave said as he flipped Karkat around to face him. 

He was about to apply a lot of the candy apple chapstick but Karkat stopped him. He pulled out a full apple flavored chapstick.

"I-if you would like a b-better result, use this because anything that has something covering the apple, the thickness depends on how much it weakens the e-effect." Karkat explained.

Dave applied a lot of the chapstick and stuck it in his back pocket. He pulled Karkat forward and let their lips crash together. Karkat tangled his hands in the Striders hair as Dave wrapped his hands around Karkat's waist. He squeezed Karkats ass making him moan into the kiss. He pulled away, breaking the connection. He texted Rose to grab him some clothes for him and Karkat for sleep and the next day because they were spending the night. He made sure to tell her to bring some band aids.

Karkat was spun around and he rested his head on Dave's shoulder. Dave softly kissed Karkat's jawline and started to suck on his neck. He nibbled on his neck. He broke skin with his canines and the small troll whimpered. Dave licked it softly making Karkat purr. He tried to find Karkat's good spot. He started to nibble around and finally he got a soft moan from the soft skin behind the ear. He started to abuse the spot licking, nibbling, kissing making Karkat a moaning mess. He went onto Karkat's shoulder and sucked for around 20-30 seconds, leaving a hickey. They heard a knock on the door to find the bag of clothes outside. 

Karkat got dressed and then did Dave. Dave had sweatpants and no shirt while Karkat had one of Dave's old shirts on and shorts. Karkat laid down and Dave pulled him closer, putting his hands around his waist. Karkat kissed Dave again and didn't realize Dave applied the chapstick again. He kissed him hungrily and Dave squeezed his ass. He moaned and Dave slipped his tongue into his mouth. Karkat sucked on his tongue and Dave sucked on Karkat's lip. He slowly stopped and then Karkat sucked on Dave's lips, getting every last bit off and biting his lip in the process, breaking skin. Dave didn't mind and just finished when Karkat wanted. Karkat soon finished and cuddled next to Dave which pulled him closer. (a/n: excluding this, it was 413 words) 


Dave woke up to see a small ball of grey next to him, purring. He stroked Karkitty's head and he finally woke up. Karkat changed and put a band aid over his bite mark and his hickey. He was wearing a big hoodie with a plain white shirt underneath and baggy black pants. He put his black slip-ons back on and then remembered what happened last night. Fuck. Someone had spiked the drinks. He remembers that he...kissed....Dave.


"yeah dude?"

"Check your back pocket."

"why do i have apple chapstick?"

"Try to remember last night."

"okay, so i remember the chapstick challenge, you going wild, you leaving....,coming back, i took you into this room, and....made......out with...you?" Dave responded bewildered at the last part, blushing hard. 

(seriously the pesterquest sprite at the top)

"So, would you.. consider this dating???" Karkat questioned.


Dave was dressed and Karkat pecked his cheek. He left the room and Jadebot was out and about meaning Jade was still asleep.  Dave took out his phone and messaged Jade.

- -   turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering gardenGnostic [GG] at 10:15 - -

TG: hey we're heading out
GG: okay! be safe!
TG: do me one small favor.
GG: yes?
TG: go to your alseep self as jadebot
GG: done
TG: sit next to it
GG: yeah?
TG: raise your hand
GG: okay...
TG: and swat really hard 

Karkat heard a loud "OW!" and then a snicker from Dave.

GG: dave!!!
TG: me and karkat are down stairs

- - turntechGodhead [TG] ceased pestering gardenGnostic [GG] at 10:30 - -

Soon, came Jade down the stairs, Karkat recognized her as the announcer girl from last night.

"You señor stink face mcgee!!" she said, shoving him a little.

"Sorry señorita stinky diaper monkey" he said, bowing.

Jade, out of nowhere, roundhouse kicked him in the head.

"dude what the fuck!" dave said, holding his head.

Karkat was wheezing on the floor from this. He sounded like a train whistle and was crying.

"dude, why are you laughing that hard?"

"Y-you shou-uld have se-en your face!!"

Jade helped Dave up and waited for Karkat to calm down. He stopped laughing and decided they were good friends, Karkat patched Dave up.

"it hurts, can you kiss it?"

Karkat left a small, soft kiss on the top of the bandage and left the room, Dave following. 

~~ timeskip br0ught by me, aradia megid0 ~~

time: 10:45 PM

"okay, let's make a deal." Dave said.

"Sure, okay."


"we all watch a scary movie, if jade gets scared, she has to tell us a secret but if she doesn't i have to tell a secret and if karkat gets scared, he has to tell all the trolls and kids we're dating, but if he doesn't, we let them figure out on their own. deal?"

"DEAL!!" both chimed in.

It was about half-way in and Karkat was already shivering and cuddled against Dave. Jade wasn't scared and when it was finished Karkat was on the verge of tears, curled into the smallest ball he could manage, and quivering and shivering from fright. It took him half an hour to calm down.

"okay, jade wasn't scared so my secret is i used to not be able to say stoic since i wasn't around people for a while."

"and then karkat. message all the kids and trolls."

They went outside and Jade posed them to take a picture.

"You're cute, ya' know?~"

"S-SHUT IT!!" Karkat replied, blushing red.

Jade took the picture and Dave captioned it.

a/n:  all art goes to the rightful owner

Karkat sent it to all the trolls and got multiple responses back

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Karkat sent it to all the trolls and got multiple responses back. Here they are.

Gamzee: nIcE jOb MoThErFuCkEr!
Equius: no response
Vriska: nice job m8. try and keep him.
Terezi: N1C3 JOB
Kanaya: Good Job Karkat
Nepeta: :33< furtastic job karkitty!
Sollux: ii knew iit
Tavros: no response
Aradia: no response
Feferi: fintastic work karkat!
Eridan: me and sollux kneww it from the start ya knoww
Rose: He won't be so lonely anymore.
John: nice!

Karkat sighed and laid down on the grass and Dave followed suit. For once, he wished this moment could last forever...

a/n: okay words with authors notes.

word count: 1115

Fallin' for Karks (stopped writing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin