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I do not own the song, the characters, and pictures. I just edited the pictures. However this story is mine, and please do not copy it. Be original.
Song: Little Lion Man
Artist: Mumford & Sons
Chapter Name: God Damn Hospital Trips
⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️

T H I R D   P E R S O N   P O V

Gone. Dead.

That's what Momo wants to be. She knew she shouldn't have let him in the dorms, but she knew what would happen if she didn't. She didn't want to get beat up again—she didn't want to be thrown against the wall helplessly.

This wasn't the first time he did this anyway.

Takeshi Yoshihara is a man-child. If he doesn't get what he wants, he throws a tantrum, and those tantrums can be dangerous. The girls told Momo not to get involved with him, but he seemed so nice at first.

That was the biggest mistake of her life.

The nights she spent hiding away in her dorm bathroom, crying at three in the morning was sometimes too much to bare. The shadows of darkness sweeping her away like dust—she desperately needed an escape. She searched and searched until her wandering eyes caught the glimmer of a silver thing. Before she could stop herself, her hands had reached and grabbed the object. Her hands hovered over her thighs, while her eyes brimmed with tears.

It was satisfying at first. It distracted Momo from her demons and her monsters that haunted her day and night; the sidekicks of Takeshi and his fury. After a short while, she moved from her thighs to her torso, realizing she had to change her hero costume design.

And every time—every god damn time—Takeshi always made sure to make a rude and blunt comment on them. How those scars defined her, and how she would never become a hero with her mindset.

Yet, Takeshi is also a hypocrite.

A rapist should not be qualified to be able to train in U.A.'s third-year hero course. He once was friends with Mirio Togata, but they eventually turned on each other.

The scars grew and grew on Momo's body like wildfire. The flames opening up and reaching out everywhere, burning the girls body to crumbling ash. But only she could see that. She made sure no one else came down with her. After all, she chose to say yes to Takeshi when he asked her on a date.

But last night—they had found out. Her teacher, Mr. Aizawa and Mr. Yamada, had both found out.

It was humiliating.

She didn't know what to do. She didn't know what to say. She was just glad they didn't ask too many questions, as they seem to already know the answers to the ones that played on repeat inside their heads.

And now she's in a car, with her moody, tired, father-figure of a homeroom teacher, driving to the hospital to make sure that Takeshi didn't seriously tear or break anything.

This is all so humiliating.


Shouta doesn't say anything as he parks the car in the hospital parking garage. He steps out of the vehicle, and slams the door shut. He walks around to the back of the car to see Momo waiting for him.

Shouta would have taken her last night, but the poor girl looked so traumatized. He wanted the girl to have the alone time she needed before this had to be done. Shouta doesn't know what the exam entails, but he sure as fuck knows it isn't going to be fun.

Curse his students for making him go on these god damn hospital trips.

The pro hero and the girl start walking over to the front doors of the hospital. They go up to the front desk and see a pink haired nurse sitting at the countertop.

"Hello sir, how can I help you today?" The nurse asks ever so politely.

"I called in last night—my student was involved with..." Shouta trails off as he looks over to Yaoyorozu. She's looking at the wall like she's trying to not listen to his conversation, "...a certain type of unwanted touching. I just wanted to make sure nothings wrong. I would have brought her last night, but the girl needed sleep." Shouta explains to the bubbly nurse.

The nurse looks at Momo sympathetically. She gives the girl a tiny, soft smile. Then she looks at Aizawa again. "Of course, just follow me please."


Aizawa sits right outside the bathroom as he waits for Yaoyorozu to get changed into a hospital gown. He sits on a chair, swiping on his phone. He sees that Mic had sent him a message about Yagi being at the dorms.

Shouta looks up to the ceiling, he counts the seconds in his head as they go by. However, his counting his interrupted by a sound of soft footprints stopping in front of him.

"...Sensei?" Shouta snaps his head forward, a little startled. He sees a familiar bi-haired boy standing stiff in front of him.

"Oh, Todoroki, it's just you—wait...why are you here? Did you sneak into my car?" A suspicious Aizawa stops talking in his tracks once he realizes that the student he came with was not the one talking to him.

"No, I'm here for a family reason. Hence, why I did not come back to the dorms last night." Todoroki shugs his arms with no emotion. Aizawa swears this kid is a robot sometimes. However, Shouta feels a little pang for the kid in his heart when Shouto says he's here for a family reason.

"I'm back—"

Todoroki and Aizawa both turn and look to see Momo standing in a hospital gown. Shouto's eyes widen a little bit in shock and confusion. As he wasn't at the dorm last night, he probably is not aware of he situation. Aizawa thought that Midoriya would have probably filled him in on the situation, but he guessed not.

"...Ah, Todoroki-San. W-What are y-you doing h-here? Are you alright?" Momo politely asks the boy.

The IcyHot kid explains to Momo that he was here all night for a family situation. She doesn't push more on the matter and gently smiles at him with whatever dignity she has left. Shouto politely smiles back at her, and Shouta's starting to wonder if he's witnessing the beginnings of love or something.

They remind Shouta of himself and Hizashi.


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