ch. 6

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I ride in the carriage next to Jay and I sigh.

"I know that you guys had put a love spell on Ben." I sign and Jay looks a little nervous.

"What do you mean?" I roll my eyes.

"I'm not stupid Jay. When I made you eat that cookie it confirmed my thoughts. That's why I took you to the enchanted lake. Its waters can remove any spell. Except mine." I state and his eyes widened.

"Why didn't you say anything?" I shrug.

"I um. I liked the fact that someone actually wanted to be with me. I admit that it was weird at first but I kinda liked it. I was glad when things went back to normal afterwards. Its alright if you don't feel anything for me. I'm use to it but just know that I wasn't lying this whole time." I sign and he gently takes my hands in his.

"Neither was I. I'm glad that I got to spend time with you Abby." He says with a small smile and I can't help but smile back. He slowly turns my hands until my wrists were exposed and studies the large gashes that had healed. "So they weren't lying." He murmurs and I look at him confused. "Jane and the others told us what happened. I didn't believe them but I had to know." I nod in understanding. "I'm so sorry Abby." He says as he kisses my wrists and I look at him shocked. "If I could take away your pain, your curse, and take it and bare it instead of you than I would." I feel something wet fall down my cheek and Jay gently wipes it away to reveal a tear. I feel my face heat up and he kisses my cheeks. "You know that you look beautiful in a dress. Granted that it's black but still the most beautiful girl here." He grins and we hear someone clear their throats and look to see my parents waiting for us along with Ben and Mal and my face heats up more.

"You know I wasn't so sure about you dating my daughter." Dad says once we get to their sides and Jay look nervous. "But I think that she's in good hands." Dad smiles and mom hugs me and I smile back. "Now come on. We have a coronation to do." With those words Jay goes with Mal and I go with my brother.

As we walk down the isle, Ben in the lead while I follow, I glance to Jay and he sends me a smile and I send a small smile back before growing serious. Ben is making sure that I don't get left out. As he's becoming the king he's having fairy godmother promote me as his official royal council. I'll receive a sash and pin and the works.

As we make it to the stage like area Ben and I kneel before fairy godmother. She brings out her wand after putting dad's crown on Ben's head and she takes a sash of blue and gold and places it over my shoulder to rest across my chest before pinning a jeweled crown to my dress. She starts saying some words as I glance to everyone to see the only ones smiling at me are my parents and Jay. When fairy godmother turns her questions to me I take a deep breath.

"Do you Abigail solemnly swear to protect and serve the people of Auradon?" She asks and I hesitate. Do I want to swear my life to the people who have turned their backs on me when I needed them? I look to Ben and he sends me a reassuring smile before I look to Jay and he does the same. With a deep breath I nod and she smiles warmly.

"Then it is my honor and joy to bless our new king and royal advisor." She smiles as she places her wand on our shoulders. As we stand someone grabs her wand and startled we look and see Jane trying to control its magic.

"Child, what are you doing?!" Fairy godmother exclaims and everyone tries to stay out of the line of fire.

"If you won't make me beautiful, I'll do it myself! Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!" Jane says as she struggles.

"Take cover!" Dad shouts as Ben pulls me over to the others and Jay pushes me behind his back.

"Careful, Mal!" Mom calls as Mal starts wrestling with Jane to get the wand before jerking it out of her hands.

"Mal, give me the wand." Ben says as he motions for her to hand him the wand.

"Stand back." Mal orders.

"It's okay." Ben encourages.

"Ben, I said stand back!" Mal shouts and Jay walks to her side as Evie and Carlos runs to her.

"I told you so!" Audrey yells and Ben and I push her back as Mal turns the wand to her.

"Let's go!" Carlos says.

"Revenge time." Jay hisses to her as I look to him hurt.

"You really want to do this?" Ben asks as they look to us and Jay tries to put on a tough face but once he sees my hurt expression his starts to mirror mine.

"We have no choice, Ben! Our parents..."

"Your parents made their choice. Now you make yours." Ben encourages and Mal hesitates.

"I think I want to be good." She says softly.

"You are good." Ben says and I nod.

"How do you know that?" She asks.

"Because... Because I'm listening to my heart." Ben answers.

"I want to listen to my heart, too. And my heart is telling me that we are not our parents." Mal laughs as she turns to Jay. "I mean, stealing things doesn't make you happy. Tourney and victory pizza with the team and spending time with Abby makes you happy." Jay smiles as he looks to me but I refuse to look at him.

"And you, scratching dude's belly makes you happy. Who would've thought? And Evie... You do not have to play dumb to get a guy. You are so smart. And I don't want to take over the world with evil. It doesn't make me happy. I want to go to school. And be with Ben. Because Ben makes me really happy. Us being friends makes me really happy. Not destroying things. I choose good, you guys." Mal says as the group smile with her.

"I choose good, too." Jay says as he looks at me again but I still can't help but feel hurt that he would hurt us like this, hurt me, especially after the things he said. Were they just pretty words?

"I choose good." Evie says as she adds her hand to their pile.

"So, just to be clear, we don't have to be worried about how really mad our parents will be? Because they're gonna be really, really mad." Carlos clarifies.

"Your parents can't reach you here." Ben confirms.

"Okay, then. Good." He agrees with the others as he puts his hand with theirs. Everone looks happy and proud of their choices.

"Come on." Mal encourages Ben who smiles and puts his hand with theirs.

At that time Maleficent shows up and my world freezes.

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