Chapter 4~

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" Again I'm so sorry about that mister (L/N), I wish you hadn't witness that... We forgot to make sure the back entrance was locked and they must of slipped in.." The officer spoke as he casually took off his hat to reveal some greasy ass hair.

"You should be better at your job then, retard." I casually rolled my eyes, not impressed.

" What an absolute bother." The nurse huffed and shook her head in disappointment. Then she sat down in one of the chairs besides me, so did the officer.

" Beside the fact, there are some questions you need to answer, if that is okay with you of course." He spoke seriously.

" *groans* Fineee what the fuck do you want to know." I asked annoyed while the officer took out a notepad and sharpie.

" What were you doing in the alleyway last night?"

" Technically it was morning dumbass, but I went out for a walk and heard  someone scream. I then proceeded to find the source of the scream and found the motherfucking monochromatic prick."

" Were the rest of the children already dead when you saw them?"

" Yup dead as a door knob."

" What did he look like?"

" Did you seriously just ask me that, literally everyone has said the word clown. *scoffs* Whatever, he was dressed in clown like clothes and looked like colour wasn't fucking invented yet. There does that help you?!" I replied getting pissed off.

Then the officer quickly wrote down everything I said onto the notepad. " what did the child see?" He asked as he looked up at me.

" The exact same fucking thing, how are you not keeping up with this?!" I said, wondering what the fuck is seriously wrong with this dude.

Then the officer basically gave a death glare to the nurse who quickly left the room. " Well that's all the answers I need for today, thank you mister (L/N) for your time and have a great evening." With that the dude stood up and skipped out the door like a little school girl.

I let out a heavy sigh as I mumble the whole alphabet of curse words and came up with some new ones, being completely done with this shit. Just then the Nurse ran back into my room and seemed very happy. "I've got good news!! The little boys parents are here to see you!!" She said basically jumping up and down in excitement.

"What are you talking about that isn't good news, that's bad news very bad news!"

Without my constant which is very important, she opened the door and let a man and a woman walk in, then just straight up left me alone with two strangers. Fan-fucking-tastic!

The boys parents walked over walked towards me with huge smiles on their faces. "Sorry to barge in like this but we had thank you!" She said apologetically and looked to her husband who just nodded in agreement.

"Yeah we are so grateful that you saved our son." He said as they were both trying to hold back their tears.

"No really it's fine.." I said as I started to become uncomfortable around them.

"I don't know how we can repay you.."

"No no! You don't have to do that really!"

"No, it's ok. We owe you this." The mom spoke gentle, but with a firm tone. Then she grabbed a small music box from her purse and handed it to me. I hesitated before taking the small box, so I didn't seem rude.

The music box was kinda cute, it had colourful designs on it and a bow around it. With a sliver crank on the side of it and I gently grazed my fingers over it.

"It's a jack-in the box!! We don't know where it came from but we've decided to give it to you." The dude said as he looked at it in my hands.

I smiled as I held the music box in my hands. "Thank you so much..." I said meaningfully and received bright smiles from the couple as they both stood up. "Well since that's settled, we have to get back to our son, he's going to wake up soon." The mom said calmly. Then we all said our goodbyes and they went back to their room.

I laid down in my bed and turned the music box over and surprisingly found an engravement on the side of it. I knitted my eyebrows a little bit and then Read out the engraving out loud.

"Laughing Jack-in a box..huh"

He is real ~ Laughing Jack x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now