Tip #4: Finding the Right Words

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Author: avadel

Category: Writing Tips

The perfect sentence exists

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The perfect sentence exists. You just have to find it.

If you're editing and you think something is wrong with your sentence, don't leave it be. There probably is. Authors can create beautiful sentences, paragraphs, scenes, and stories when we stop settling for okay and do what it takes to find perfect.

Finding your 'perfect' sentence might require restructuring your paragraph, giving up/adding details, carefully crafting your word choice, or changing your format. Have a rhetorical question? Maybe it needs to be a statement. Giving your readers too much information? Try ditching some details for subtle mystery and weaving the rest in later. Narrative starting to sound cheesy? Consider switching some inner dialogue to external dialogue or vice versa.

We aren't news anchors, reporting the facts as they happened. We are poets, story-tellers, weavers of golden words. Once we stop being okay with okay and push past those curtains of complacency, we'll find something beautiful awaiting us on the other side.

 Once we stop being okay with okay and push past those curtains of complacency, we'll find something beautiful awaiting us on the other side

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