ch. 7

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Once the fight with Maleficent ends and we're all unfrozen everyone goes to the after party but I go home and go to my room. I don't like parties.

I start taking off my clothes to get ready for bed when I hear my window unlock and with wide eyes I hurry in my underwear to keep it from opening any further and I hear Jay's voice as he sounds his confusion.

"Abby? Can I come in?" He asks and I peak my head to where he can see it and shake my head no. "Please Abby. I'm sorry just please let me in so we can talk." I shake my head again and he looks confused. "Abby please." He says and with a shove he pushes the window open and I tumble to the floor with a red face as I try to cover my body as he covers his own blushing face. "Oh my! I'm so sorry!" He exclaims and I quickly hurry to my feet and run to my closet to get dressed.

Once dressed I storm out of my closet and pull his hands away from his face before I slap him with a glare on my face.

"Ok I deserved that." He says and my glare deepens. I start signing angrily and quickly and he quickly grabs my hands to stop me. "Abby I can't understand you when you sign that fast!" He says and I jerk my hands away and point to the window. "No Abby I'm not leaving until we talk." He says and I start hitting him. "Ow! Abby stop!" He exclaims as he tries to dodge my hits.

"You used me to get to the wand so that you could get revenge on my parents! You're just like them!" I sign and he holds a hurt expression.

"No Abby that wasn't the plan! I didn't mean to hurt you with what happened, I wanted to bring you with us!" He says and I look at him confused.

"What?" I ask as I finally stop hitting him.

"Yeah I wanted to get you away from all the people that hurt you. Once we had released our parents and the other villains I was going to come and get you." He explains.

"Like a knight in shining armor?" I ask and he nods and I hit him again.

"Ow! What was that for?!" He asks as he holds his arm.

"I don't need to be rescued! I don't need a knight in shining armor! My god Jay you're starting to act like these stupid princes here!" I exclaim and he looks shocked. "Leave Jay! Now!" I sign before shoving him out the window. Once he's outside I slam and lock the window before crumbling to my knees and letting the tears fall.

"Abby I'm not going to give up!" I hear him yell but I shake my head as I make sure that the curtains were closed tight.

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