CH.38 Mirror Mirror

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Chapter 38

"What the fuck happened?" Adam said in a panic as he watched Owen and Caspian walk through the portal with Mavi in Owen's arms. "Is that blood on her? What did you do Radacovick?"

"Nothing," Owen growled. "This wasn't me."

"Adam, baby go get my spell book from the library," Caspian said quickly. He guided Owen upstairs to an empty guest room and helped him lay Mavi down without harming her wings.

"She's still breathing," Caspian said. "That's a good sign."

"What's wrong with her?" Owen's face twisted in worry.

Caspian shrugged, "Her mother is the doctor, not me. I'll portal her here."

"No," Owen said. "There are two of them right now. We don't know if the new one is safe."

"Hmm," Caspian tapped his chin. "Two Dr. Rye Aldens to save one Mavi Dorin.....or let Mavi Dorin die on my expensive sheets."

Owen's eyes darkened and he growled.

"Why are werewolf males such morons?" Caspian rolled his eyes as he opened a portal. "Stay here. I'll go get the tasmanian devils."

As the portal closed behind Caspian, Adam and Toby entered the room. Adam immediately rushed to Mavi's side with the large leather bound book he held in his hands.

"She'll be okay, right?" Adam looked up at Owen and then at Toby. "I mean she has to be. She's a dragon and the future Queen."

Toby stood quietly by the foot of the bed and observed Mavi. His eyes then settled on the way Owen clutched her hand and pressed soft kisses. The worry lines around his brown eyes were all too familie.

"Are you....." Toby started. Adam looked up at his dad and then followed his eyes to Owen. "Are you her mate?"

Owen didn't take his eyes away from Mavi's face. He nodded and then ran a hand over her soft messy hair. He heard someone gasp in the room.

"No way," Adam said in amazement. "How?"

"It's a long story," Owen confessed. He didn't have the energy to explain everything to them right now. His mind was only on Mavi.

Just then, a ring of swirling sparks grew in the middle of the room before it opened into a portal. Caspian walked through followed by Rye and .....Rye.

"Is everyone else seeing this?" Adam asked. "I swear I am not high."

"You had one job, Owen Radacovick!" Rye, the one wearing jeans and a dark sweater started yelling right away. The other one dressed in a pastel yellow dress flinched and backed away.

"How can you let this happen to her?" Rye demand. "My baby!"

"Your grace, I -" Owen started but Rye cut him off.

"For god's sake, you're practically my son in law. Do not call me your grace." Rye went through her medical bag and began to examine Mavi.

Everyone in the room turned their head to the other Rye hovering awkwardly by the foot of the bed next to Toby.

"Oh, don't worry dear," Caspian laughed. "My husband and son don't bite."

The new Rye nodded in fright. Her large worried gray eyes bounced around the room from face to face as they peered at her in amazement.

"Excuse me," Rye called out quietly to the Rye near Mavi. "Um....sorry to bother you....but when is Xavier coming back?"

Adam and Owen turned to look at Rye who rolled her eyes and grumbled under her breath. She sighed and turned to look at her clone.

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