Ch 56 - time and space

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Third person POV-

Obito sat on a bench just outside of the hospital. He felt like he was gonna be sick from the information he was just given from Jiraiya.

'Why is it always Naruto?' He asked himself.
Naruto has always been the victim, and it was always because of him..Obito knew..he was sure that all of this was in some way his fault.

Obito was a strategist, he had always been ever since he traveled back in time, not that he really remembered that anymore.

'I always wondered how, and why I was sent the beginning I thought it might've been a punishment, that I was forced to watch my worst nightmares on repeat, but that wasn't why? And why Naruto?' Obito thought while rubbing his tembles. He was getting a headache.

Since he had walked out Obito didn't know that that was the exact subject everyone else was currently discussing together in that room.


"Huh?" Obito simply said as he stepped foot into the room again.
Nobody had even noticed him, they were all seated around what looked to be a map of the great nations and the villages in between.

He walked over and glanced over them to see that they had put small red pin needles into certain locations on the map.

"What's this about?" Obito asked, finally getting the others attention.

"We figures it out, well not fully but almost" Rin sayd standing up and grabbing him by the arms, she was clearly both very happy and very stressed.

"Figured what out?"

"The cause of why the two of you was flung back in time...well..we haven't exacly found out just yet but think about it! You and Naruto is originally from the same time, the era of the fourth great ninja war" Rin started to explain while everyone else went back to discussing certain places in the map.


"Something must've happened at that time, at that place, some of those places where the fighting was going on"

Obito's eyes widened, he remembered the notes giving the locations of the most brutal of the battles.

He nodded and made his way to the map laying on the table, he took a handful of pin needles and started quickly marking locations.

He marked the coast line if he land of lightning where the water raid unit had been placed, the mountains graveyard, the southern forest of the land of lightning, and multiple other places, all in the land of lightning.

"This...was the front lines of the last battle" Obito said as he placed one last pin needle in the north-western did of the forest.
"Now tell me...what are you thinking?" Obito sayd and folded his arms.

"It's simple really..I think that in one of the locations time and space ripped apart" Jiraiya said nonchalantly.

Obito jumped a bit in his seat.
He remembered a specific one of his notes that had said "Might Guy's gate of death bends the physical form of space (the truth seeking orbs)"
That had always bothered Obito but there was no way for him to really find out more so he had always pushed it to the side.

"I remember my notes...some of the warriors had enough power to really cause damage to the universe, if the powers somehow merged together..." Obito trailed off.
There was Guy, the ten-tails, Madara, the first four hokage's, himself, Naruto, Madara, Sasuke and countless other amazingly strong shinobi and samurai.

"Then it could in fact rip time and space apart...right?" Minato guesses as he tried to finish Obito's sentence, Obito simply nodded and lowered his head.

"If this is in fact what has happened, how will we fix it?" Kakashi, who had his arms wrapped around his wife, asked.

"This could be the end of our world..." Jiraiya muttered, it was something they all already knew so they chose to ignore him for the moment.

Silence fell over the room..

"Maybe if by giving it back what it soar out? A reverse card?" Obito mumbled as an answer to Kakashi's question.

"What are you saying? That we send you and Naruto back?! That's not gonna happen!" Rin scolded.

Obito feared it too, but he had always been selfless, so everyone knew that if that was was it took he would do it.

"No, just might be enough" Obito countered.

"Not gonna happen!!" Rin stood up, angry at her husband for even suggesting such a thing.

"Obito we'll find another way that doesn't include one of us dying! Got it?" Kakashi said and everyone else nodded and hummed in agreement.

Obito let out a deep sigh and nodded his head up and down slowly.

Obito might've agreed, but in his head he was already planning when to go, and what to do.


Gosh Obito never listens to reason does he?

We're quickly approaching the end of this story guys, only a few chapters left~

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