Chapter 37

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The weekend came sooner than expected for all the boys. Jisung had been able to catch up with school again and they had enjoyed their time together. It was now weekend and Minho was tired. He loved his friends, he did, but he also had a low social battery so after a week at school, he needed rest. He decided to go to his safe place to relax.

He arrived there and laid down, he thought about Chaeyoung moving to town this weekend and he had to admit that he had missed the girl more than he had initially thought. She had always been nice and funny and he was excited to spend more time with her. Maybe they could hang out like they used to. Just her, Hyunjin and him. They had all gone through hard times. The three had all struggled with their sexualities, all for different reasons.

Minho's was obvious, he just didn't understand why it was such a big deal. Hyunjin was just ashamed, he had girls chasing after him for his looks, but he never felt anything towards any of them, he didn't really understand, it was only until he developed a crush on one of the boys at his old school that he came to terms with the fact that he was gay. He had struggled with accepting it, but he did now and he had an amazing boyfriend.

And then Chaeyoung. She had known for a long time that she was bisexual, but for the longest time she only dated boys, because it was easier and when she finally got a girlfriend, that didn't end well. She got treated like trash and it really affected her. She was fine now, but after that event she became even more cautious about dating girls. The bisexual erasure she faced didn't help either. People always assumed she was either a lesbian or just straight, but looking for attention, not to mention the disgusting people (mostly straight boys) that asked for a threesome upon finding out she was bi, but she was ready to move on. She was ready to date girls again, after all her preference for girls was still obvious. She was moving to a new school and happy to get away from te small minded people she knew.

Minho laid there for a long time, he wasn't checking the time, just enjoying the peace, with his earphones in, listening to his favourite music. He thought about Jisung too, he had been following Chaeyoung's advice and had been getting closer with Jisung. He didn't know if he was ready to let his guard down completely yet, but he was getting there.

He didn't know how or why he had developed feelings for the squirrel like boy so quickly. He was special, that's for sure. He wanted to protect the boy from all the evil in the world.

Minho thought that maybe he had started liking the boy so fast, because they understood each other in ways no one else did. They had both gone through a lot and even though it was different they could somehow still relate and partly know what the other was feeling.

You see Minho was struggling with mental health and even though Jisung never openly spoke about it, he was too. He couldn't get diagnosed for anything though, he didn't have a therapist and rarely ever went to a doctor. His mom and him couldn't afford it and now that he was living with Felix, he definitely couldn't.

Minho stayed there for a long time and suddenly he felt a presence beside him. You guessed it: Jisung.

"Hi" Jisung said when he saw Minho looking at him.

"Hi" they didn't really talk after that. They were happy with the other's presence.

After a while Jisung spoke up.

"Are you doing anything this weekend?"

"Uhm, not much, but an old friend if mine is moving here and I might help her move in, she'll also be coming to our school"

"Oh yeah, I remember Hyunjin mentioning something about that, what's she like?" Jisung was curious to see what other people Minho got along with.

"She's great, Hyunjin and her were my only friends back then. She had an amazing gaydar and picked up on our gayness, she also came out as bisexual, first to Hyunjin and I and after that to the whole school. The people there were shit though, so we always kinda stuck together, because the other students were mean. She helped me out a lot though, with figuring out my sexuality and stuff. All that aside she's a crackhead. Oh and she likes to rap too, she writes her own lyrics as well. I'm sure you'll get along" Minho smiled, saying this out loud, he realized how great Chaeyoung actually was as a friend and he couldn't wait to spend time together again, this time with all of their friends.

"I'm excited to meet her, she sounds amazing" Jisung didn't really like to meet new people, but if Minho liked her this much, he was willing to make an exception.

The boys talked until the sun was going down and it was getting dark outside.

"Wanna sleep over?" Minho asked Jisung.

"Sure, let me just text Felix so he doesn't think I got kidnapped or something" Minho chuckled at that. This past week he had learned that Jisung was just as much of a crackhead as Felix and that level was high. He was still a bit shy sometimes, but Felix and him were constantly just quoting vines and acting like their chaotic selves. It had also seemed like Jisung had become happier when he was around everyone and Minho hoped it would only improve from there.

Jisung texted Felix and before they knew it, they were at Minho's place.

They walked in and settled on the couch.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Minho suggested.

"Yes, I'd like that. Which one though?"

"I don't know, you choose"

"Then let's watch shrek" Jisung proposed. Minho chuckled, he should've expected something like that. He didn't mind though, he loved shrek.

Before they started the movie, Minho went to the kitchen to get them some snacks. He didn't have much, but he saw that he still had some popcorn left. Once that was done, he went back to the living room and he realized that both would probably be more comfortable in other clothes.

"Hey Jisung, let's change first, you can borrow some of my clothes, we'll be more comfortable that way" Jisung was a bit flustered at the mention of wearing Minho's clothes, but he managed to hide it and agreed.

They went into Minho's bedroom and Minho went to his closet. He got out 2 pairs of sweatpants, a tshirt and a hoodie.

"Want the tshirt or the hoodie?" He asked the smaller boy, who was just standing there awkwardly.

"Oh uh, I don't really mind"

Minho gave him the hoodie and the smaller pair of sweatpants.

"I'll go change in the bathroom, you can change in here." Jisung just nodded at that.

"They both got changed quickly and Jisung heard a knock on the door.
"You done?" He heard Minho's voice.

"Yeah" he simply replied.

"I thought we should get some blankets to make it more cozy" he explained while he entered his bedroom. Jisung seemed to get excited at his words. He loved things like blankets and pillows. He always surrounded himself with them, because he loved the warmth and how he could just wrap himself up in them.

They got a few blankets and also a couple more pillows and got comfortable on the couch. Jisung, as expected wrapped himself in a blanket and hugged a pillow. Minho cooed at how tiny and adorable the boy looked and started the movie while they munched on the popcorn.


Sorry for the wait, but here is another chapter. I've been having a rough time, but I'm trying my best to get through it all. I also wanna thank you all for the kind comments on the last chapter, I didn't expect it and it warmed my heart. I also wanna thank you for the many reads and votes and the new followers. I appreciate and love all of you.

Anygays the picture at the top inspired the blankets and stuff, because I can't get over how cute Jisung looks.

Hope you enjoyed.

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