Chapter 20

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Nicole's POV

I will not give him what he wants. He wants me to retaliate and I intend not to do that. Then the door bursts open. Uncle Mario looked and I saw it was Char. Uncle Mario threw a glass bottle at her.

Then everything went in slow motion.

"Nicole, we are sisters!" She screamed as the bottle interacted with her stomach. With one last scream, she fell to the floor. I could hear the whimpers of pain, and knew it would be better to put her out of her misery.

But I couldn't for two reasons. One, I was pinned down and two, I wouldn't find it in my heart to kill my best friend/sister. Finally Uncle Mario left. I ran to Char's bleeding body and put my hand over her wound.

Her head rested on my lap as I stroked her bloody hair. I didn't want her to die, yet I knew it was coming.

Her blood was on my hand as her body began to shake. We grabbed hands and I tried to shush her through the pain.

I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed a glass bottle and smashed it against the wall. My hands shook as I pushed it into my chest.

"For us..." Char's fragile voice whispered.

"For us..." my fragile voice whispered back.

Then it was over. I'd hate to see the day when I realised I could've saved her. We had our last moments together, sisters forever.



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