chapter 3

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Suddenly you hear an ear piercing scream from one of the houses. You turned to that direction only to come face to face with a mountain troll. Without hesitation you kicked the mountain troll in the face, while it was stunned you punched it up towards the sky and then threw it over the wall of the village. The troll was rolling fast down the mountain.

Without a second thought after you turned yourself back to Fa Ming.

"Keep looking for him and when you find him call for me i'll be right there okay" you said.

He nodded and quickly went to find his apprentice.

Another scream was heard when you instantly went searching for the source.

After beating up a few more trolls, you saw liuer holding a baby girl running from a troll with his master close behind him.

When you saw that they were going to be surrounded you took off your necklace with a metal rod on it. It transformed into a silver bow staff with golden design with Chinese dragons on it.

 It transformed into a silver bow staff with golden design with Chinese dragons on it

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(put them together and what do you got)

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(put them together and what do you got)

You ran towards where they were going, when you got there you saw that they had somehow disappeared. Yet the second glance you saw that the 2 were hidden underneath 2 dragon statues.

"There you are!!" one of the trolls sneered as it held out it's claw to graze the young monk.

Fa Ming, climbed from his hiding place and pushed over the dragon statue he was hidden under on top of the trolls. As he was about to get to his apprentice and the baby until he realized that he had become trapped in the rubble. you put your bow staff away in to hurry to Fa Ming and help him

"master!!" Liuer yelled as he was going to go back for his master.

"Liuer, RUN!! RUN!!!"

Hesitantly the young boy did as he was told and ran as fast as he could away from danger with the little girl.

You took the opportunity to try and free your old friend, however he refused your help.

"Protect Liuer" he said to you with care it made you think of your father

~ 500 years ago~

your father was starting to get angrier at the gods, how they treated you and him.

"(Y/N) I want you to take my cloud and fly away as far as you can." Sun Wukong said to his 140 year old daughter in which humans yearn to be like a 10 year old.

"why is that papa?" young (Y/N) said with curiosity as she looked up at her father.

"I just have a feeling child" said Sun Wukong, smiling softly at his daughter for maybe the last time.

He started to make the symbol for his cloud and when he was done with it, he put his daughter on so gently that when he looked up to see his daughter smile so happily at him.

"I want to give you something." Sun Wukong said as he started to take something out of his pocket.

"What is it!!" young (Y/N) said with an excited tone of voice.

"It's a necklace with your staff on it and to get the staff bigger just take it off your neck, make it small just put it back on your neck" said Sun Wukong as he watched his daughter put it on.

"Thank you papa." you said.

" Your welcome, now off you go (Y/N)" he said as the cloud started to fly away.

"Bye, bye papa" young (Y/N) said sadly slowly disappearing in the clouds.

~End of past~

So like Luier, you saw Fa Ming also like your father so you did what you were told and went after Luier.

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