Chapter 2

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Beth couldn't sleep.

She turned over under the covers for perhaps the thousandth time, unable to get comfortable.

It could be because she was in a new "house".

It could be because she was in a new room.

It could be because she was in a new bed, with the full moon shining across her face.

But she knew it wasn't true.

A certain face danced across her mind unbidden, canines gleaming in his smile, hair tousled attractively, his manner that of a charming gentleman.

She rolled over again.

How on earth could he be in her head like this after one meeting?

Finally she huffed and pulled on her robe as she went out onto the balcony and looked up at the beautiful, full moon.

The full moon. She mulled over it thoughtfully.

Scientifically, the full moon was proven to have strange effects on the human mind. Mythically, it was so much more.

A time of heightened powers for most supernatural creatures, Beth wondered to herself whether the effects on the human mind would make humans easier or harder prey for the supernatural beings?

She had always had a hard time sleeping on the full moon night. There was a strange restlessness that made it difficult and occasionally impossible to sleep.

She'd never had unusual trouble during this particular full moon though. Normally the sleepless night held off until December.

Beth returned her gaze to the moon, it's beams bathing her face in a soft glow and shimmering off of her velvety robe.

Blinking slowly, she amused herself by finding shapes in the craters.

She stood there for a long time, seeing the moon rise from the front of the castle and begin to descend to the back of it.

Then a movement in the woods caught her eye.

She looked, and she could have sworn she saw a figure beckoning to her.

Without even thinking Beth shook her head. Of course she wouldn't go. That would be stupid.

The figure didn't move away.

Beth could have sworn that she locked eyes with it.

And those eyes were amber.

A very familiar amber-green that she had only seen before in her dreams.

On the night of a full moon.

She stood bolt upright, disturbed, and went back into her bedroom.

Carelessly tossing her robe aside into a chair she took a running start and leapt into bed as though something could reach her feet from underneath if she got to close, something she hadn't done since she was a small girl.

Hiding in the covers, she trembled, overwhelmed by something she couldn't decipher. It wasn't fear. It wasn't pain. It wasn't happiness that was sure. It was something akin to excitement, an adrenaline rush from an incredible rollercoaster. Only it was deeper, a pulling in her chest that urged her to go to that strange figure in the woods despite all reason.

And it was terrifying.

Those eyes that had only appeared in her dreams mingled with the face of Taehyung, swirling with her disturbed thoughts until she fell into a strange, fitful sleep.

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