Ch 11: I heard you needed me

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A/N: So this chapter is Sara's POV when Niall texts her. It's a set up for the sequel I'll be writing after this story. But don't worry, after this chapter we go back to the adorableness that is Claire and Louis. Anndd I'm currently fangirling over the Little Things music video :D

~ BookwormGirlxxx

Sara's POV

I cried for what seemed like hours. I lay curled up in a ball on the couch, closed to the outside world. It wasn't fair. I gave everything I had to him. I told him my deepest secrets, stuff I didn't tell Claire. He called me beautiful, I only believed it when he said it. When he looked me in the eye and said he liked me, I believed him. So how could he just say he didn't like me? What's wrong with me? Am I incapable of being loved? 

I replayed every memory we had in my head, the first time I saw him, the first time he texted, the time at the pool, brownies, Star Wars, basketball. Everything I looked at reminded me of him. He was here, in my house, not too long ago. But now it felt like a lifetime ago. I just wanted him to text me saying he was sorry, that it would be ok. But clearly that didn't happen. 

I texted Claire, but she never replied. No surprise there. She was the lucky one. In Florida with One Direction. And her biggest problem was that Louis Tomlinson kissed her and she was scared. BS. It's Louis Tomlinson for crying out loud. She was probably getting serenaded by him and they'd kiss and make up. So no doubt she was far too busy to reply to her best friend. 

I sobbed my pathetic heart out for a few more hours and just laid there. I probably looked awful, but you know what? I didn't care. My hair was up, he said he liked my hair down so that's the way I wore it for a few months.

 I hiccuped a few more times, then got up off the couch. I slowly made my way to the kitchen and opened up the refrigerator and what a surprise... no food. Could this day get any worse? I stomped back to the couch and involuntarily checked my phone out of habit. Like I was expecting a text from him.... But my eyes widened when I saw I had one new message. 

From unknown number: hey Sara, this is Niall. I got ur number from Claire... how are you? xxx

I must've stared at my phone for five minutes before it actually registered in my brain that NIALL HORAN was texting me.... Niall Horan was texting me....

Excuse me while I fan girl in a corner. 

To Niall: I've been better. But how are you? Having fun in the US? 

I leaned back on the couch, squealing. After my freakout, I started to read. Niall was probably super busy, he'd never reply to me right away. But I got the shock of my life when he texted back not even two minutes after I'd replied. 

From Niall: Yeah, the US is great. But Sara, what's wrong?

To Niall: It's a long story

From Niall: I've got time babe ;) 

To Niall: It's really wayy too long to type over text message.

I waited for a reply, but got nothing. Did he think I was being standoffish by not typing it? Did i screw up another relationship? Not like NIALL FLIPPING HORAN would ever like me. I waited ten, fifteen minutes...but nothing. I rolled over on the couch and made myself comfortable. Since this was clearly what I'd be doing for the rest of my pathetic life. That is... until my phone rang. 

"That's what makes you beautiful!" Haha... not like I'm a fangirl or anything. I grabbed my phone and answered it. 


"Hello love, this is Niall," a sweet Irish voice said." Oh dear god. I might just die.  

"Oh hey Niall.." my voice trailed off. What do I say?

"Sorry I couldn't call you sooner, I was in the middle of something with me and the lads. I tried to get away as quickly as possible, I'm sorry." 

He...wanted to call me... 

BRB I'm dying. 

"Oh that's ok," I said, laughing a little. 

"So tell me what happened." Sheesh that boy was demanding. But I felt like I could tell him. I settled back on the couch for a long talk. 

"It all started in English class..." 

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