chapter twenty-five.

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ALLISON WALKED ALONG THE GATES, FEELING THE SUN ON HER SKIN AS THE WALKERS GROWLED LOUDLY. She heard footsteps come towards her lightly, like they were trying to not make themselves known.

"Hey." Daryl's gruff voice said, making Allison turn around.

"Hey." She said with a slight sadness in her tone. she sniffled, looking away from him.

"You eat today?" Daryl asked her, kicking the rocks from under his feet. The two were like children talking to each other, not wanting to make eye contact as they said short sentences to each other.

Allison shrugged, looking up towards their group, who was packing up their things. Carl, Beth, Hershel and Judith were going into the woods while the rest fight the governor's group.

"I'm sorry about Merle." She said, looking at his icy blue eyes, that were looking back at her ocean ones.

Daryl sighed and looked at her for a while, biting his lip slightly. "We're gon' fight."

"I'm gonna go. With Beth, my dad." She told him, deciding not to fight.

One day earlier.

Allison walked out from her cell, seeing Beth singing quietly as everyone gathered around a lit candle.

They were all getting ready to fight for their home, a home for Carl, Judith, Beth. A home for everyone.

Merle came up next to her, snickering as he saw his brother eyeing her from across the way, her not noticing. "He does care about you. More than he shows."

Allison looked to Merle, knowing exactly who he was talking about. "Why'd he leave?" She whispered.

"C'mon, he didn't mean anything by it, blondie" He told her, moving beside her. "Blood over anyone. You should know that." He mentioned towards her family in the room, them all being scattered across the cell block.

Allison sighed, finally looking back at Daryl, him instantly looking down to his shoes.


Daryl nodded, hesitating on reaching for her hand. Deciding against it, he proceeded to walk passed her, until she gripped his hand tightly, not wanting to let go.

"Be careful. Please." Allison told him and before waiting on an answer, she walked off, missing the feeling of her hand in his.


Allison, Beth, Hershel, Carl and Judith were all in the woods, waiting for Rick to give them a sign that it was safe to come out.

She jumped up as gunshots emerged from the prison, her being scared that someone she cared about got possibly injured.

Footsteps came from the other side of the forest and everyone drew their weapons, Beth staying back with Judith.

"Wait, wait. Don't shoot, please." The boy said. He looked a little bit older than Carl.

"Drop your weapon." Allison told him, holding up her knives.

"Okay. Here. Take it." The boy held it out slowly, Carl with a violent look in his eyes.

Moments later, Carl had shot the boy, him falling to the floor, lifeless. Allison's eyes widened and so did Carl, not believing what he just did.

They all put their weapons down. There were leaves crunching from beside them and they all sharply turned, seeing Daryl, motioning them to come back.

Allison swallowed nervously, preparing herself to come back into the prison, scared to see what was before her.

Approaching the prison, she saw Maggie, running up to her with her arms out. Allison smiled wide and hugged her tightly, happy to see her uninjured. Beth came between them, smashing into the hug.

Daryl watched them, smiling slightly. Rick came up to him. "We need to go."

"To Woodbury?" Allison asked, hearing their conversation.

"Yeah. We need to finish it." He said, getting his gun ready.

"I'm coming with." Allison stated.



They had approached Woodbury with caution, their weapons up. Gunshots were fired deathly near Allison's head, her dodging it just in time.

They had found a woman named Karen, she was with the governor, until they found all his people dead, he shot them down.

"We're coming out!" Rick yelled, holding up his hands as he appeared from his spot behind the car. Everyone else followed, arms up in surrender.

"Andrea. She told me she wanted to get to the prison." Karen told them.

"She never made it." Daryl said.

Tyreese lead them to a room where they think that Andrea might be in. They opened the door, Allison's eyes going from a walker on the wall, to bare feet on the left side.

"Andrea." Michonne breathed out, tears forming in her eyes, fearing the worst. "You're burning up." She observed.

Andrea sighed deeply and pulled back her sleeve, revealing a large bite mark on her shoulder.

Everyone put their heads down in sadness, knowing what this means. Michonne sobbed quietly, looking to the floor.

"No one can make it alone, now." She said, breathing heavily.

Allison looked to Daryl once she said that, the two thinking the same thing.

"I just didn't want anyone to die." Andrea told them.

Allison sighed, regretting all the horrible things she said to her. "I'm sorry. For being a bitch." She told her, tears starting to leak from her eyes.

"Being a bitch is what keeps you alive." Andrea chuckled. "I can do it myself. While I still can."

Rick was hesitant to give her his gun. "I know how the safety works." She told him, smiling slightly.

"I'm not going anywhere." Michonne told her, tears running down her face.

"I tried." Andrea shrugged, sighing deeply.

"You did." Rick told her, giving her a sad smile.

Everyone made their way out, Allison being the first one. Daryl stood next to her, his head down. Moments later, a gunshot went off, everyone closing their eyes.

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