20 | Storm

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"You don't need to hide. I know you're there, (y/n)," you heard Todoroki's deep baritone voice from inside the waiting room, making your heart rattle.

You slapped your cheeks with your hands, trying to calm yourself down before going into the room. As you walked in, you saw Todoroki's bangs, though parted twice, they obscured his vision as he looked down to the ground.

You leaned against a table near his seat, the unforecasted storm of dark emotions running wild in your chest. You didn't even know where to begin. For so long, you had been blind towards his struggles while you focused on your own. Though Todoroki had warned you not to trust his father, you were still in shock as you thought about the real reason you had been invited to live with them.

"Did my father send you here to get me to use my left side?"

You shook your head sideways, making the small daisy behind your ear fall down. "No, Shoto..."

"Why are you here, then?"

You tensed up, struggling to address the disturbing realisation that had only dawned upon you a few minutes ago. "Because I think I now know what you meant yesterday at lunch. I'm really sorry. I genuinely had no idea."

Todoroki drummed his fingers on his legs, not sure whether to believe you. "If you didn't know about it, you're not the one to blame, are you?"

"But, Shoto, I've been unfair to you all this time without knowing. That's why I want to apologise to you."

A look of great bitterness swiped across Todoroki's face. "Hold on, so did you only just learn about it?"

Your throat tightened, and your shoulders trembled, but you still choked out a response. "Y-yeah, I only... um... learnt about it today."

Todoroki narrowed his eyes at you, pondering whether your parents had or hadn't agreed that your quirks would match well in the first place.

You knew Todoroki wouldn't be too happy with the fact that Midoriya had informed you, but you didn't want to hide anything from him at this very moment. He deserved nothing but the truth. "Deku overheard you and Endeavor earlier," you said with a catch in your voice.

"So Midoriya was the one to tell you?"

You nodded with caution.

Todoroki stood up from his chair thanks to his ingrained manners. "How much did he say?"

"That Endeavor was looking to set us up..." You shivered, unable to finish your sentence as you saw Todoroki's jaw clench.

"(y/n), I would never be as despicable as to say that you are at my disposal. It disgusts me that anyone could ever think of you that way."

"At your disposal?" What the hell? That sounds so wrong.

He huffed at hearing his dreaded father's words coming from you. Why hadn't Todoroki communicated properly with you before this matter blew up on your faces? Through the heavy silence, he crumbled when he noticed that your eyes brimming with tears. The ice wall that distanced you from him began to thaw as he accepted that he could trust you to some extent after all you had been through together.

Todoroki crossed his arms. He still could not wrap his head around something. "Why did you act the way you did yesterday, though?"

You wanted to run away as the memory of yesterday's exchange in the classroom replayed itself in your head over and over, leaving you with your hands sweating out of anxiousness that he would decide to corner you again. "What do you mean?"

"I don't understand why you are blushing so hard right now," he said as he grew nearer to you.

Seeing his frown was like looking down the barrel of a gun. Your back stiffened. "I don't think I'm blushing."

𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐙𝐄 𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 ↳ shoto todoroki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now