Accidental DM

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Y/N= your name

Y/BF/N= Your best friends name

y/insta/N= Your Instagram name


You went to the mall with your best friend, Y/BF/N.

Y/BF/N: "Gurllllll we haveeee to go to PINK!!!!"

Y/N: "For what reason exactly?"

Y/BF/N: "To look cute for our manz duuuhhhh"

Y/N: "Bish, in case you forgot, I'M SINGLE AF"

Y/BF/N: "I didn't. BUT, I hooked you up with a guy"

Y/N: "oh my god, Y/BF/N! I told you not to do that again! You remember how it turned out last time"

Y/BF/N: "Okay, okay but this guys is different I promise!"

Y/N: "You said that the time before last"

Y/BF/N: "Okay, I get it, you don't trust me. This guy IS different. I promise"

She holds out her pinky for a pinky promise.

You link your pinky to hers.

Y/N: "You can't break a pinky promise"

Y/BF/N: "That's the point ;)"

Y/N: "Whatever XD"

You bought some shirts and went to some other stores and got some food with your best friend.

It got late in the afternoon and you had to part ways.

Y/BF/N: "Bye, girlie! I love you!"

Y/N: "Bye! Love you too!"

You got home, got a shower, put on your robe, put on a face mask and sat on your bed and started watching Netflix.

Your phone buzzed with a text from Y/BF/N.

Y/BF/N: I forgot to tell you, I gave the guy ur insta. So.... Check ur DMs

Y/N: At least you didn't give him my number XD

Y/BF/N: I was wise this time XD

Y/N: Like, 10% wise

Y/BF/N: eh... It's better than nothing XD


Y/BF/N: He said he just sent you a DM, so he should be at the top

Y/N: got it

You checked your DMs and saw some guy whose username was @seaveydaniel

You texted your friend

Y/N: is his name Daniel?

Y/BF/N: I'm pretty sure that's what it was


Y/N: No wait! His name was Greg. Sorry bb <*couldn't send*

*couldn't send*

*couldn't send*

*couldn't send*

*couldn't send*


*Call did not go through*

*Call did not go through*

*Call did not go through*

*Call did not go through*



You saw a DM from this 'Daniel' person,

seaveydaniel: Hey! Is this Jack's sister, Ava?

seaveydaniel: Sorry, wrong username

y/insta/N: lol it's okay

You texted your friend to tell her you think it was the wrong person

Y/N: I don't think that was the guy you gave my username to< *unable to send*

*unable to send*

*unable to send*

*unable to send*


UGH she probably ran out of data again

*Instagram notification: seaveydaniel replied to your DM*

You opened the chat,

seaveydaniel: you're not like the other girls I've accidentally sent a DM to

y/insta/N: Is that a bad thing?

seaveydaniel: No, no, I don't mean it like that, sorry. Usually girls start spamming me and it gets hectic lol

y/insta/N: wdym? Spamming you? Why?

seaveydaniel: I'm in a band and usually people who don't know who I am notice that I'm verified and look me up and start faking that they know me and I get spammed. But if I DM a fan I get spammed and if it's a Limelight, It's usually just "Omg, hi Daniel! I appreciate everything you do so much and I love you and I hope you and the other boys are well and safe <3" and they pretty much leave it at that. Lol

y/insta/N: oof...that's rough. I didn't even notice you were verified XD

seaveydaniel: I saw ur profile and ur bio, um.. I think ur very beautiful. Are u interested in dating anyone anytime soon?

y/insta/N: idk who was that 'Ava' person you were talking abt?

seaveydaniel: oh, sorry. Ava is one of my bandmates sisters and I had her laptop and I was asked to return it to her (she's dating a guy btw)

y/insta/N: I'll think abt it, Seavey XD where are you from? Or where are you staying right now?

seaveydaniel: I'm with my bandmates at the band house in LA for the next 5 months

y/insta/N: No way! I'm in LA too! I live here though lol

seaveydaniel: oh sweet! Maybe I'll see you in person! Haha

y/insta/N: Maybe Haha!

seaveydaniel: You seem really chill. Um, wanna talk more?

y/insta/N: I'd like that :) You're really sweet compared to all the other guys I've talked to haha!

Seaveydaniel: Wanna facetime tomorrow?

y/insta/N: Sure! :)

seaveydaniel: oh, before I forget, may I have your number?

y/insta/N: oh, yeah sure! It's (***-***-****)

seaveydaniel: thx! I'll text you in the morning! :)

y/insta/N: got it! Good night! :)

seaveydaniel: Goodnight! :)


___End of part 1___

Word count: 813

I hope you enjoyed the first story in this series!

Stay tuned for part 2!


      Emma <3

ACCIDENTAL DM || Daniel Seavey x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now