The Bad 50... (April Fools)

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ok so suddenly I got hit with a wave of inspiration and I found myself writing this, hooray me :D
(Also sorry this is short, but it's an important piece to the story)

There's someone there! Finally, after almost half an hour of walking in the middle of a desert, I've spotted someone. I took my little friend out of my pocket and put it on my shoulder. I started speed walking towards this unknown person in hopes that they'll be kind enough to help me.

Let's just hope they will.


No Ones POV

(Y/N) was thrilled with the fact that she has someone else in the desiccated, scorching desert. She couldn't care less about who they were, unless they were a killer or something, she simply wanted to ask for directions to the nearest area of civilization. She called out to the unknown figure and hoped for the best.

Australia POV (CRIKEY)

Call it a stereotype, but I really do get a thrill out of observing kangaroos. I enjoy observing all wildlife, really. Even spiders. Yes, spiders. I marvel at the sight of different kinds of spiders. Anyway, I've gotten better with kangaroos over the years. Kangaroos usually hop away at the sight of someone, but that no long happens with me. I'd say the they enjoy my presence now.

However, a sense of caution still lingers. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that you shouldn't be too careless. But it shouldn't be much of a problem, since we are miles away from civilization. Which is great for the reader who is looking for someone, anyone's help right now.

I hear faint shouting. I squinted and saw someone swiftly walk over here. How in the world is someone in the middle of a desert? Never mind that, if this person gets closer, the kangaroos will surely hop away. Or worse...

The unknown person did come closer, and their shouting only got louder. I opened my mouth to warn them, but the kangaroos had something else in store.

One kangaroo hopped over to the person, and swiftly kicked her stomach, launching her backwards. Soon enough, the other kangaroos ganged up and started beating the poor girl. And I just stood there, not doing anything. I saw a small blur jump off the girl. It must've been a small animal or something.

I watched the helpless girl get mauled and bruised, probably to death, and I stood there smirking. Wanna know why?

Because it's April 1st.


Happy April fools!
I probably didn't fool anyone, but it was fun to write
But some of this is canon! The getting mauled to death part isn't, and the title certainly isn't canon lol
anyways stay safe :D

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