December 5th: Professor Hampton

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This is for one of the best people in the world. This whole 24 days of Coliver is and she's worth all the good things in the world. I love you, Glitterkitty

Connor couldn't help but to wonder why they were the lab rats. They always had interns practicing on his class and it got annoying at times. Connor wasn't there to help anyone else out, he was there to become the best lawyer he could. Annalise had reminded them that the ones who weren't part of the Keating five would have to do their own placements somewhere. Connor, of course, wouldn't have to find a place. He was doing his own internship with Annalise pretty much every day after school and that was one of the best qualifications you could have from the entire school. Only a lucky few got that opportunity when Annalise was teaching.

They had their seats and Connor leaned his chin onto his hand, studying the teacher who stood with his back against them, writing something on the board as he waited for everyone to have their seats.

From the way he was standing Connor could tell he was nervous, at least a bit. He wore a grey jacket with grey suit trousers and his hair was cut short.

Connor found himself grinning as he studied the back of the man and Laurel watched him with a raised eyebrow.

”You're seriously not thinking about hitting on the teacher, are you?” she asked with a sceptical voice, to which Connor only grinned widely. ”I don't know what he looks like”

”So that's seriously an option?”

”Of course” Connor grinned.

”You do know he won't grade you, do you?”

”I'll make him give me A's all night long.” Connor watched her with a pleased grin and she just sighed, shaking her head. ”Of course you will” she stated and Connor turned to watch the teacher again, who turned around and pushed his round glasses up further on his nose.

”All night long.”

Oliver Hampton was the name that read on the board. Professor Hampton. Had a nice ring to it.

”I'm Oliver Hampton and I'll be your teacher today”

”And in my bed tonight” Connor stated with a pleased look, making Laurel to roll her eyes.

”Today we'll talk about the importance of IT and certain very legal hacking-skills if you want to win a case.” His eyes went over the class and Connor could have sworn they got stuck on him for a second longer than the others.

”Be nice to me, I'm new to this” he continued before he had a seat on the teacher desk.

”So, does anyone know why it is a good idea to know these skills?” he asked and Connor grinned.

”To impress the teacher?” he asked and Oliver watched him with a smile.

”Yes. To impress the teacher. That's what we're doing here. We're impressing the people who grade us and then we never use the skills again”

”Like me and math” Laurel sighed, though Connor didn't listen far too much. Instead he studied the man who'd just stood up for himself. He was surprised, but maybe that was something they covered in teacher's school. It was something that attracted him further though, there was no denying that.

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