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When I sank into the sand I didn't expect to fall straight through into Poe's arms. I am confused, thinking that we were going to be dead but instead we are stuck in some sort of dirt cave. Poe gently set me down as we reconnected with the others, "I don't want to know what made this cave." Poe said, Threepio  taking that as a cue to overshare, again.

"Well based on the circumference Sir-" He starts but Poe turns around, "I said I don't want to know." Threepio looks as startled as he can with a face that doesn't move. Rey lead us down the cave, her lightsaber being used as a light, well that and Poe's measly flashlight. 

"There has got to be a way out of here." Finn says while Beebee beeps at us, blowing dirt off of what looks to be some sort of dagger. I bend over and pick it up, the feeling of darkness instantly coming over me. 

"This was Ochi's, this was the hint Luke was looking for." I say while looking at the language that I can decipher. "Then where is Ochi?" Poe asks me, and I shrug, "He must've fallen into the same trap as us." 

"I don't think Ochi ever left." Rey says while looking by the ground, at a pile of bones. "Bones, I don't like bones." Poe says, scared.

I hand Threepio the dagger, "Can you translate this?" I ask and he seems excited, he actually gets to do his job, "Of course Master Kenobi, I am fluent in over 6 bil-" He starts but Poe cuts him off, "We know, goldie, can you just tell us what it says."

"I am sorry sir, I actually can not." We all look shocked at him, "What do you mean you can't?" Rey says. "This is coded in Sith language, a language that my system forbids me to share." He says and I stare at him dumbfounded. 

"So you're telling me the one time we need you to talk, you can't" Poe asks getting angry. But I can't help but notice the movement that is happening behind Threepio. "Guys" I warn and they look at me weirdly. "Threepio move!" I yell as the snake like creature comes at us, hissing. All of us stumbling back. 

Immediately we all throw up our weapons, slowly backing away from it. Rey looks at me and I realize what she I going to try to do. Let's just hope it doesn't end up with her gone.

Rey steps forward, her lightsaber now in Finn's hand, and puts her hand out to the creature, as a motion of peace. The creature hisses at her, "I'm going to blast it." Poe says quietly to us. "No you are not, put your weapons down." I say to Poe and he hesitantly puts down his blaster.

Rey steps over the creatures tail and spots something, my heart is pounding out of my chest when she bends down and touches it. I soon realize what she is doing, she is force healing the thing, something that I didn't know she had the power to do. I watch as the snake slithers away, leaving us unharmed, and as he moves an opening appears. A way out.

We all run out of the cave, escaping what we thought was certain death. "Rey, how did you know how to do that. Leia and I didn't teach you that?" I ask her and she looks at me, with a nervous look, "I don't know, I just felt it." Rey was truly more powerful than she knows, than we all know. 


Poe and I were currently rummaging through the front of Ochi's ship, desperately trying to find anything that we could actually read when Poe stops and looks out the front of the ship. "El, what is she doing?" He asks and I look up to see Rey running in the middle of the sand in front of us, and when I went to see what she was running from, I saw his Tie-Fighter.

"Is that a-, she is going to get herself killed." Poe exclaimed, looking frightened at me. "I am not sure what she is planning either, but I trust her." As the ship is right behind her, I told on tight to Poe's arm, scared to see what happens, but when I see her ignite her saber and backflip in the air, fully cutting off one of the wings of Ren's Fighter. 

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