Prologue: Twisted World

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This will be the format, to avoid confusion

[Character]: "Speech" *Action or sounds* Thinking

I do not own Code Vein or any of the images or videos I used (unless specified), all credit goes to their respective owners.

Now, onto the chapter.

In the living room of a mundane apartment, our young man -(Y/N) sits in a chair waiting on some fresh coffee. Taking a deep breath to relish the fragrance of the coffee, (Y/N) speaks up for the first time this day...

(Y/N): Nothing like the scent coffee first thing in the morning is there buddy? And this new place is pretty good compared to the other units in the building too, so glad I found it before anyone else.

(Y/N): Morning huh, is it really? *Glances at a clock on the wall*

(Y/N): Heh, its 15 minutes to sometime. Sucks that the hour pointer is the one missing.

Despite (Y/N)'s comment on the state of the place, it was basically a dump. The furniture is old and mostly dusty, the only exceptions being the kitchen counter, the empty shelves above it and the chair and table he slept in, the bedroom reeks of mold and blood and the person who (Y/N)'s been talking to all day, his "buddy"...

(Y/N): Not that you need it, being a lost and all means you have all the time in the world right?

(Y/N) looks at the pale, immobile body laying on the other side of the room and moves closer to the coffee maker to further mask the scent from the bedroom. Placing his elbows on the counter and leaning his head on his hands, his morning truly begins like any other in a long time.

(Y/N): I'm going crazy, aren't I? People always told me talking to someone was the best way to keep your sanity, but does this even count?

(Y/N): ...

(Y/N): Well, whatever. *moves closer to the comatose monster* You won't wake up in a while will you? And even if you did you wouldn't want to listen to me for long before trying to tear through me for blood right?

Revenants, and consequently the lost need some time to "warm up" to their new lives after turning, and it could take days, months or even decades until they woke up according to what (Y/N) had learned in the shelter, probably something about those parasites in their hearts. The two reasons he was in that place with the lost were because when he got there the place was surrounded so he couldn't move the body outside safely, and the fact he could easily dispatch a single half-asleep small lost like this one with the sword he scavenged shortly after his shelter was destroyed, a very well-made (if rushed in production) blade.

 The two reasons he was in that place with the lost were because when he got there the place was surrounded so he couldn't move the body outside safely, and the fact he could easily dispatch a single half-asleep small lost like this one with the s...

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(Y/N): Well then, its been a week already since last time (I think) so its time to do that thing again.

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