Chp. 3

700 21 44

Hours later


"Hey Caitlin, I noticed that you and Barry were matching. Did you plan that?" Cisco asked me. He keeps nagging me about this morning.

"No Cisco. We got dressed at two different places and at to different times. Maybe it's just a coincidence." I try to tell him.

"Yeah yeah. You know, people who have a deep connection can think alike." Cisco says after I roll my eyes and at the same time...

"Hey I'm back!" ...Barry comes in. "Who has a deep connection?"

Cisco laughs a little while looking at Caitlin with a 'hehe' face.

"Nothing Barry. Um so how's work?" I say trying to change the subject.

"It wasn't that hard. But it did take a while longer to get done than yesterday. There were a lot of cases to look over. But I'm glad I'm here now. Joe lets me take breaks since you know, anything can happen at any time." Barry caught me staring at him while I smile. He smiles back and continues talking. "So what are you guys doing? Anything come up while I was gone?" Barry asks.


"Nope nothing. We've been sitting here working and waiting for something to happen. Its good that no one's getting hurt or anything like that, but still." Cisco says slouching in his chair with a licorice in his mouth.

I try to think of something we can do as the OTF (Original Team Flash). "What if we do something to pass the time? Like watch a movie at home, or go out somewhere." I suggest.

"How about a movie at my house tomorrow night?" Caitlin says. I smiled at the thought of going to her house. The last time I remember staying over there was that night me and her went to the club together. She was so drunk so I had to take her home and she wanted me to stay with her.

I never told her about the part when I had to help her into her pajamas cause her dress got stuck. That was funny. But she probably would start to get flustered. "Barry?" I mean, we're still friends. Who gets undressed in front of their friends that are a different gender? "Barry?!" But would've happened if I didn't turn around the first time..

"BARRY!!!" Caitlin yells my name, shaking my thoughts out of my head. "Yes Cait?" I say calmly.


His voice was so calm after I yelled at him trying to get his attention. I love his voice. "Um I was trying to get your opinion. What do you think about the movie idea?"

"Oh yeah sorry. I think it's amazing just like you." I blush lightly. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." Barry cutely smiles as he walks out.

Cisco turns to me slowly with a cheeky smile forming on his lips, "You heard that right?"

I got confused. "Heard what?"

CR: "Barry called you amazing. He definitely likes you."

CS: "What? No he doesn't. That was just a compliment."

CR: "Yeah right. Like that wasn't a blush I saw."

CS: "N-no it wasn't. I'm just gonna go now. Have a good night" I hurry up to my car. It feels cold from sitting here all day and night thanks to Barry.


My ship will sail. And it's gonna sail tomorrow night.

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