Ruined City Underground I

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Before we begin the chapter a quick heads up that from now on there are spoilers, so beating the game or watching someone else do so is recommended before reading this.

Now, onto chapter 1

Back to (Y/N), now somewhere underground

(Y/N) is laying on the ground of a dimly lit cave, clutching his left ankle that is now twisted due to the fall while the lost that was chasing him, having landed a bit too far to his left is now holding on to the edge of the stone passage trying to avoid falling in some very deep and dark water.

(Y/N): Agh, stupid lost and his stupid hammer.

The lost lets out a low growl at (Y/N)'s remark, one of its hands slipping from the rock. Picking up his blade, (Y/N) kicks the lost's other hand and watches as it falls to its temporary death while roaring.

(Y/N): Prick... Now where to?

(Y/N)'s POV

There are only two directions, a path going up and another going down. Well, up means surface so that it is. Limping my way upwards, it looks like this path leads to a building so I should be able to find a way up, except the stairwell upwards is collapsed.

(Y/N): That's fine though, I'll just see where this side door leads.

On the other side of the door there is a ladder for me to go down. Never mind what a pain my ankle is going to be for the ladder, the real problem is I can hear lost groaning down there.

(Y/N): I don't think I can fight or run very well right now, time to try the other path.

Going all the way back, walking on the other direction and after some turns the path eventually splits. One of them has a large lost that is thankfully too busy tearing through some unfortunate soul's body to notice me, so I keep walking to not draw attention.

(Y/N): As long as it is eating, I can probably just take this other path to...

Looking around the corner, there are around 6 or so walking lost and a bunch more laying down or siting against the cave wall.

(Y/N): That's a lot of lost. Can't really fight that many even on a good day. I have better odds checking the other way. Again.

Disheartened, I limp back towards the first path, since it sounded like it had less lost.

Once there I get the pleasure of climbing down the ladder and a good look at the situation instantly lifts my spirits. Sure, it may be a tight hallway with almost no room to maneuver, but the only lost here is one with a sword and shield. Those are easy to outsmart.

I start walking towards it and when it looks at me I hold my blade as if I was going to strike it.

(Y/N): Come on, raise that shield slow-poke. Give me a free pass...

As soon as it puts its shield up, I just slip past it and start running as best as I can to the door on the other side, that is until said door opens and slams right in my face, sending me onto my ass on the floor and my sword a bit further behind me.

(Y/N): Ow, who in the...

In front of me there are two people, through my blurry vision I can make out that they are a man and a woman, and they are either wearing some very eccentric clothing or those are blood veils.

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