Chapter 56: Understanding Manik

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The sun was out in its glory, shining upon the ever busy Mumbai. The clock was about to strike nine. The cool calm morning breeze was blowing. The dawning rays disturbed Manik's sleep, forcing him to open his eyes to see the most beautiful sight he can ever witness.

Nandini was sleeping peacefully hugging Manik

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Nandini was sleeping peacefully hugging Manik. His hand were around her waist and other one was tangled with Nandini's fingers on his chest. This scene was the one which Manik has dreamt of waking upto. He anyway loved the calmness that displayed on the face of sleeping Nandini. It looked as if she has nothing to worry, no past tensions, no future worries just the bright present.

The movement from Manik's side forced Nandini to open his eyes. She blinked a few times, trying to register where she was. She saw a pair of dark brown orbs looking at her while rest of the picture remained blurry. After a moment, the picture started to clear. She could see the stubbled cheeks and chisled jawline. That mole just above his lips was visible again. Her first reaction was same as always, a gentle gracious smile over her lips.

She snuggled further into the hard chest, loving the pillow. This was what she has been dreaming for a while, getting up beside her man. Ahh! This beautiful dream has been haunting her in a desirous way. She wished this wasn't a dream but alas! It is...until... She heard a giggle. Certainly the Manik of her dreams doesn't giggle in this romantic situation. This meant...He was there in REAL.

No sooner did she realize it than she jerked up, sitting up straight. "'re here!", she said as shocked as the circumstances made her. "Nandini I think you have forgotten. Our date hasn't ended yet", Manik raised his eyebrow in a teasing manner. Nandini looked around and found herself in the tent like last night. "Did we...did we sleep here?", she asked him still rebooting herself. Manik nod a yes smirking all the while.

Nandini eased up and reclined at the back. "What is the time?", Nandini asked to which Manik casually replied ," It's almost nine". "Whatttt!!!", screamed Nandini gaping at him. Nandini has never slept till so late. She was someone who gets up as early as the sun. At exact 9 she is in her office hammering her employees. She instantly got up on her feet and said,"I must reach office this instant Manik I am late". "Stop my bullet, you have to go to Malhotra Industries today if you remember. You have a meeting there", Manik reminded her. Checking her schedule mentally she sighed, getting some relief.

"Come let's have breakfast then I will drop you to Malhotra Industries", Manik requested her. Nandini agreed to his request as they both went inside the farmhouse. (If you guys didn't understand then let me tell you, this is the same farmhouse where Manik plants his memories). "Nandini you can go upstairs and change. We have Mukti's clothes in the room just to your left. I'll make breakfast for us", "Manik you don't need to do that. I rarely have breakfast. Let's just change and leave", requested Nandini.
Manik stood whith his hands folded to his chest,"Nandini don't forget the date is still on, so you'll do as I say". Nandini wanted to argue,"but...", Manik shot a glare shutting him. "Fine !", She replied and went off to change.

ANAM CARA || A MaNan Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें