IKEA ♡: Zendaya

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(2,201 words)

Y/n's POV

Having younger twin brothers was the least expected event of my teen years. Fortunately, though they were unplanned, I wouldn't say they're the worst siblings in the world. Unfortunately, because the twins were unexpected, my parents dumped the responsibility of taking care of them on me. By age seventeen I could've pretty much been considered a teen mom.

Speaking of the twins - they've been even more of a hassle than usual lately because of a recent newfound discovery they've made: Marco Polo. They have such a fun time when we all go out to shop and I start losing my mind because they suddenly disappear. 

"Mateo, Ralph. You guys at both seven years old now - you both should know not to let go of my hands when we cross the street. You never know how fast these cars are going or what direction they're going to turn. I trust you to be responsible enough to follow my directions."

"Sorry Y/n. We're just really excited to go to Ikea to pick out our new bunk beds. Do you think they have any bunk beds that have space ships on them," Mateo excitedly screamed.

"Spaceships? That's lame, we should get a bunk bed that has sharks on it," Ralph countered. 

I tightly held on to both of their little hands as we entered through the doors of Ikea. I didn't bother intervening in their little bunkbed debate because they would probably start teasing me for something completely unrelated. 

"Alright guys we're getting closer to the bedding aisle, have you guys decided on what theme you want?" 

"I'll only let our bunk bed be Space themed if you let me have the top bunk," Ralph argued.

"Deal. let's shake on it."

Both Mateo and Ralph spit into their hands and shook on it. 

"Ew, guys. How many times have I told you not to do that?  That's not cool, that's nasty."

Mateo pointed to a space-themed bunk bed, not even waiting for us to catch up. The last bunk bed I bought for them completely broke after a solid three weeks of use, so I better do a more thorough quality test. I examined the mattresses, checked the assembly directions, and lastly the price. It seems like it will hold up for more than just three weeks. 

"Hey, guys I thi-guys?"

I frantically checked my surroundings - Mateo and Ralph completely absent from my sight.

"MATEO, RALPHIE. WHERE ARE YOU GUYS THIS IS NOT FUNNY, COME OUT?!" I questioned while checking around corners and running through nearby isles. Fuck, I literally just gave them a pep talk early about how they need to be more responsible and follow directions. 

Do you have any fucking idea of how big Ikea is-? It's practically a maze with multiple floors. I felt tears slowly glide down my cheeks - thank god I didn't wear mascara today, otherwise, I would've looked even more batshit crazy than I already do.

"Excuse me miss. Are you okay? Are you lost? You know they have maps here right? Plus all you have to do is follow the arrows to the exit."

I craned my neck upwards to be met with a tall light skin woman - an extremely attractive one if I might add. I was trying to put on who she was until it finally clicked. Great, I can't imagine how hot I must look right now with snot dripping out of my nose while shamelessly bawling. 

"I-I have two little brothers and we were looking for a spaceship bunk b-bed, and w-hen I turned around, they weren't there. A-And th-they love playing Marco polo. One of them is n-named Mateo and the other is R-Ralph, an-," She interrupted my stuttering ramble and took my hands in her own.

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