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Ending: Haruka
Artist: Far Away
When you say it's time to say goodbye

We see a grassy wide field as (Y/N) stands in the middle of it

I thought the hurt would pass with time

Then see all of the students from H.U Academy at the school field

But now we're worlds apart. You've made another start. I wish to do the same, but I'm held back by my heart!

Then we see the school staff and then we see 2 mysterious figures. One female and one male.

I recall a face you've made so vividly. Before you slowly turned your back to me

We see a flashback when his parents had adopted him and then we change to see his entire family together and happy

I know I saw you cry and I always wondered why. You did not get the chance to give this life one more try

Then we change to see (Y/N) on the edge of a cliff as he gets in a fighting stance and then Izuku comes in and joins him

When you say it's time to say goodbye, you fixed your gaze up at the sky. The distant path you take. Is bathed in brilliant rays.

Then we see Natsu along with the fairy tail and class 1-A. Then Ruby with the students from beacon. And finally Issei from the DxD universe

When light from far away shines down, as if to say "We'll meet again someday"

And finally it changes to them looking at the horizon and (Y/N) and Izuku run towards it

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