Chapter 5

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I woke up. I don't how and i don't know why. I just randomly woke up and started to stare at the white ceiling above me. Not moving i scrunched up my eyebrows, last night i thought about Austin until i fell asleep, and no i didn't have a dream thank god. Sighing i rolled over and screamed into my pillow so it was muffled. Austin is a pain in the ass and for that i will ignore him.

Beep Beep. Beep beep

I jumped up surprised, well i didn't jump but it was more like i snapped my head up too fast it cracked to which i winced. Of course it would be my alarm that didn't really need to wake me up.

Rolling off my bed i landed on the floor with a thud. "Ow" I rubbed my head and stood up dizzily.

As i was making my bed a wild and mischievous idea popped in my head like a light turning on. I smirked to myself and finished throwing my pillows and teddy back on my bed yes i know i have a teddy, don't judge.

I creeped out of my bedroom ninja style and headed for my brothers room. In my mind i did an evil laugh which certainly matched the moment i was in. I reached his door and began to slowly turn the door knob.

The door opened and Jake lay on his bed on his stomach snoring lightly. I creeped up to his bed and leaned down.

"Boo!" I yelled in his ear. Then jumped away to smile in accomplishment and do a little fist pump.

"Ah!" Jake bolted up into a sitting position. His hair flopped on his eyes. He adverted his eyes to me and glared whilst brushing his hair back.

"You are so dead" He said curling his lip.

"Oh you wouldn't kill an innocent girl like me" I said smiling sheepishly. "Besides it's only 6"

"In the morning!"

"Dude, you'll be in college soon, get used to it" I said raising an eyebrow.

He cursed then got out of his bed. I laughed then ran out of the room. When i reached my room i took large steps to my wardrobe and grabbed shorts, a singlet top and my undergarments, then walked to my bathroom.


I looked in the mirror that hung just before the door. My hair hung in long waves, mascara on my eyelashes and lip gloss on my lips. With my bag on my shoulder and black all stars on my feet i was ready.

"Jake let's go!" I yelled as i walked out the door.

"But i don't wanna go to school" He walked lazily to the door and stood in the still opened doorway. He yawned and slumped his shoulders.

"Uh Jake i'm the unlucky one here" I said pointing to myself and laughing. My brother is such a douche bag he's not even used to getting up at 6 anymore!

He lifted his head up as if he was more awake. "Yay! i can go to sleep now" He turned to go back inside.

"No! you have to take me!" I raised my voice.

"Eh you can drive yourself" He said throwing the keys at me. I quickly caught them.

"Really?!" I was jumping with joy i finally get to drive a car let alone my brothers. I do have my license but no according to my parents i don't need a car because my brother can take me. I rolled my eyes.

"Wait no! you are not driving my car" He ran to get them. I ran to his car.

"Why not!" I yelled.

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