31: Sugar High Down

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Lauren trudged through the forest behind the pack house, watching as her mate ran through the trees just a head of her. "Slow down, pup!" She called after her to no avail.

"Come on, Lo!" (Y/N) yelled behind her, picking up her pace.

Before long, (Y/N) was no longer in Laurens sight, the smaller wolf running wildly through the trees, shifting into her wolf form as the leave crunched under her feet. 

It must've been five minutes before a small rustle in a bush near by caught her attention. 

'Lolo?' She whispered, letting out a small bark.

When no reply came from the bush, she took a few steps forward. 'Lo?' She asked slightly louder. The bush rustled again, the small wolf quirking her head to the side. 'Lolo?' She asked again, using her normal voice.

She huffed at the silence around her, walking up to the bush. Surely Lauren was just playing around with her.

Peering into the bush, (Y/N) waited for a reply or for her mate to walk through the dense scrub. 

She was startled to find a pair of beady yellow eyes looking back at her, her scream bouncing off the trees in the silence of the night. "Lauren!"

Lauren picked up her pace as she searched for her mate, frantically turning her head and keeping her ears alert. 

Turning another tree, a small force collided with her legs before she realised it was her mate, rushing to scoop her up into her arms. "What's wrong, pup?" She asked the frightens wolf.

'There was something in the bush', She linked to her mate, Lauren looking over to the dense plot of wild bush before moving closer to it to have a look. 

Peering through the bushes, Lauren used one hand to move the leave around before they saw a raccoon with two babies.

Lauren let out a sigh of relief before turning to her mate. "It's just a momma raccoon and her babies, pup. Nothing to be scared of." She said, comforting her mate.

(Y/N) sunk into Laurens arms in pure relief, disappointed that when it had come down to it she had inevitably chosen flight not fight. 

With tired eyes and a fried brain (Y/N) let out a long sigh as Lauren watched over her small mate.

"Come on, my love. We can go to the field another night. I think were both too tired now." Lauren said, leaving no room for discussion as she turned around and started walking back to the house. 

(Y/N) agreed though, she was tired now. The sugar wearing off as she tried to stifle a yawn that still broke its way through.

Lauren smiled at her mate, watching her try to fight the yawn before she nuzzled back into Laurens arms. 

This is what she wanted, for the rest of her life.

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