heart attack

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Phewwww... longest chappy...
2900 words...
May be you find it boring but it needed for the story....

Who are waiting for "age difference season 2"
Keep patience.... I will start it after complete the ss  "mysterious love story"

So please wait a little....


Heart attack....


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"Mr oberoi..... Mr oberoi "

Gauri is shouting in oberoi mansion....
Standing at the main hall...

Shaan.... who just woke up.... ran downstairs hearing her...
He reach the hall and saw Gauri is standing there...
She is not the same Gauri he know.... she is looking different...
Her eyes is red yet swollen....
He could see she is extremely angry.... he never imagine this side of her.... he is a little afraid to see her anger....

 he is a little afraid to see her anger

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"Ga..... gauri"

He call her and Gauri turn to him....

"Where is Mr oberoi"

She ask gritting his teeth....
Shaan is confused.... he don't know where is omm.. he just wake up...

"I don't know Gauri.... what happened?  Why you are so angry?"

Shaan ask ....

"Ask your so called rich friend "

Gauri reply in the same angry tone....

"Where is Mr oberoi.... I want to talk to him"

She shout again...
And this time more loud...
Now shaan is scared... what happened in between them in just one night that Gauri show only hate for him?
Did that hitlar did something again?
Oh god no please...
Shaan is preying because he don't want to spoil it again...

Shaan is preying because he don't want to spoil it again

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