Part 9

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In How I Met Your Mother, the main character Ted explains that there are stages to telling a person you love them in your relationship. Marco watched this show religiously, as you all may have guessed he did because come on, we all know he's the type who would. And he had come to find he agreed with the stages Ted Mosby described. 

"Stages in saying "I love you":
The Moment when you think it
The Moment when you think you know it;
The Moment when you know you know it but you just can't say it;
The Moment when you know you know it but you can't keep it in any longer."

Marco and Tom seemed to go through all the same stages in their secret relationship. The moment where you think it, when the two boys laid in Marco's bed, the day they decided to start the secret relationship. They both laid and stared at the ceiling holding hands. They didn't do anything except breathe together, and yet they both knew that they could stay there for the rest of their lives and be happy. 

The moment when you think you know it. One month into their relationship. Tom came to Marco's window every night at exactly 8:30, he was never a moment late. Until one Friday. Marco worried about him from 8:31 to when he finally showed up at 10. He heard the rocks and he threw open the window ready to yell at Tom for making him worry, but the second he opened the window and Tom flew up to be face to face with him all he could think was that he loved the boy he saw in front of him. And that he never wanted him to be late again, because that just took away from the time Marco could spend admiring him.

The moment when you know it but you just can't say it. Two months into their relationship to the day. Marco had always been pretty good at the romance stuff, but when it came to Tom he was better than he had ever been before. He found a spot on the beach on earth that he could set up a romantic dinner, it was their anniversary to be fair. And Marco had realized that he didn't think Tom had ever seen the Earth's sun set or rise. He laid out a blanket and all of both boy's favorite foods, and he brought extra blankets, because he knew he would get cold waiting for the sun to come up again in the morning. When he surprised Tom, that was the moment Tom knew, he looked around him at Earth and at the beautiful boy Earth gave him and he knew he loved him. But when Marco asked, heavy eyed and sleepy faced after the sun had set and it had already been dark for hours, what Tom wanted to do to pass time before the sun rose again, and Tom replied by saying 'you can go to sleep, I know that's all you want to do. I'll wake you up before sunrise, I promise.', that's when Marco knew. He laid his head on Tom's chest and fell asleep before his eyes even shut.

And now, two and a half months into the relationship. Tom visits Marco at the castle. He and Star made up incredibly fast after their breakup, which was good to Marco because he needed Star and Tom to be friends for his relationship to work. 

Marco had been regularly updating Janna on the relationship, it was helpful in the secret keeping to have someone to talk to about it. Just for the feeling of spilling secrets to someone. And as a plus, he was 90% sure she didn't listen to half the things he told her about. Though he could never tell because she has a vacant stare almost every time he talks to her about anything.

"Hello my beautiful boy." Tom smiled as he walked up behind Marco and wrapped his arms around his waist, kissing the back of his boyfriends neck.

Marco spun around in his arms and placed his hand on Tom's chest. "You can't sneak up on me like that! And you definitely cannot be this handsy in the middle of the castle! What if someone saw?" Marco asked in a hushed voice. Tom leaned in, as if he was sharing a secret.

"So what?" He grinned before kissing Marco quickly, giving him barely a peck on the lips. "I'm tired of the sneaking around, I want to be able to kiss and hug my boyfriend whenever I want, but if you want to keep sneaking around I guess we can continue." He pulled his arms away from Marco and took a dramatically big step back away from him. 

The second Tom let go of him Marco missed his hug. For being in a relationship, Marco was way too touch starved. But to be fair he grew up in a loving family and now he was in the castle as far away from that family as he could be, and he could only get affection from his boyfriend in his bedroom, but only at night. Because he didn't know what would happen if Star burst into his room while he had Tom in there.

"Miss me yet?" Tom grinned. Marco rolled his eyes.

"I can't miss you if you're still right there." Marco replied, turning back to what he was doing before he had been surprised by his demon boyfriend.

"Oh, well okay then." Tom frowned and walked away.  Marco looked back at him and frowned.

"Where are you going?" Marco pouted. Tom turned around.

"You miss me now?" He asked, his frown slowly turning into a smile.

"Obviously, I miss you all the time." Marco smiled back. "Do you want to hang out in my room?" He asked. Tom gasped dramatically.

"During the day?! But sir aren't you worried your wife will catch us? If she does, would you like me to hide in the closet like a cheap hooker?" Tom smirked as Marco pushed him towards his bedroom.

"After dating you for over two months I've grown numb to your sarcasm Thomas." Marco replied, opening the door and pushing Tom through.

"Please, call me Thomas again, it makes me feel like you're an old teacher yelling at me in front of the rest of the class. So hot." Tom rolled his eyes.

"Note to self, does not like being called Thomas." Marco laughed, shutting the door as he walked inside. He usually locked the door when Tom came over, he didn't want to risk Star coming in mid kiss or anything so he usually locked the door. When Tom didn't hear the second click he was going to ask about it but he forgot.

He should've asked if he locked the door.

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