Chapter 7

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That night Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi went to another restaurant to avoid Jungkook, Taehyung, Jin and Namjoon.

In the morning for once Yoongi woke up first, he wasn't excited at all for this day since they had to clean up the school with the people they hate the most. Yoongi got up from bed, feeling dead and went to wake up Jimin and Hoseok. First he went to wake up Hoseok.

"Wake up" he told Hoseok as he got in the room

"I'll be out in a few minutes" Hoseok said 

"Okay" Yoongi told him before he left the room

Next up he went to wake up Jimin. He was planning to wake him up with throwing water on him but he thought that he better not do anything so he won't make the day any worst than it will get later on after school finishes.

"Wake up" Yoongi said as he opened the door but Jimin didn't respond

Yoongi went next to Jimins bed.

"Jimin wake up" he said 

"I don't feel like waking up today, I don't want to freaking clean the school with those jerks" Jimin whined

"Yeah I know how you feel, but it's better to just get this day over with than getting into more trouble with the principal"

"That's true, but still I don't want to spend any time around them"

"I know how you feel but at least us 3 will be with each other"

"At least"

"Now get up, and go to the kitchen so we can eat and leave"


Yoongi left Jimins room and went to the kitchen, the first thing he saw when he arrived was Hoseok eating his cereal. He went and started making a toast. 

"You really like cereal that much?" Yoongi asked

"What do you mean?" Hoseok said

"Even if you are dead tired you shoot up from your bed to go and eat cereal and last time when we accidental dropped your cereal, you wanted to kill us" Yoongi told him

"I guess I really like cereal that much, and that's the only thing I can cook without burning the kitchen" Hoseok laughed and Yoongi laughed with him

After Yoongi finished making his toast he went and sat next to Hoseok. After a while Jimin got out of his room.

"Good morning guys" he said as he sat down in front of Hoseok and Yoongi

 "Morning" Yoongi told him

"Aren't you going to eat breakfast?" Hoseok asked him

"I'm not hungry" Jimin said

"But you have to eat, yesterday you barely ate, you just played around with your food" Yoongi told him

"I'll just eat later" Jimin said

"No, not eating isn't healthy" Yoongi said

"I'll make some cereal for you" Hoseok said as he got up from his chair and went to the cupboard to make the cereal

"You don't have to" Jimin told him

"Yes I have to" Hoseok told him as he added the milk and placed the cereal in front of Jimin

"I am going to go get ready, Yoongi make sure that Jimin eats, we all know what happened last time when he didn't eat"

"Don't worry I will make sure, we can't risk that he will faint again" Yoongi said

Hoseok left from the kitchen and went to start getting ready for school.

Meanwhile Jungkook, Taehyung, Jin and Namjoon were just waking up. For once Jungkook woke up first, he got out of his room and started to make some breakfast for the others. After he finished cooking he went to wake up the others.

"WAKE UP" he shouted from the kitchen and after a minute all of them got out of their rooms.

"Woah you made food today" Taehyung said as he was surprised

"Shhhh Tae don't ruin it, he has a good mood" Jin said

"What's up with the good mood though? You barely ever have a good mood." Namjoon said

"And from all days today you woke up with a good mood? The day that we have to stay after school so we can clean it up with those brats" Taehyung said

"Not all of them are brats" Jungkook said in a low voice


"Ummmm nothing"

"Don't pretend that you said nothing, I heard you say that not all of them are brats" Taehyung said

"No... don't tell me..." Namjoon said

"Are you guys thinking the same thing that I am thinking" Jin said and Namjoon and Taehyung agreed

"You are catching feelings for one of them aren't you" Taehyung told him

Jungkook just looked at them and didn't say a single word.

"Which one of them are you catching feeling for?" Jin asked

"It's not called catching feelings it's just since when we dyed their hair I am seeing him cute and hot but I still don't like him" Jungkook told them

"Whatever. You still didn't answer the question" Namjoon said

"Come on tell us, so we back off from hitting him" Taehyung said

"It's not like you guys ever get the chance to hit him" Jungkook said

"No way" Jin said

"IT'S JIMIN?" Taehyung shouted

"Yes, now shut the fuck up and don't say a word about this" Jungkook told them

"We won't" Namjoon said

"And lets keep on fighting with them so they won't suspect anything" Jungkook said

"That's not a problem at all" Taehyung told him

"Now lets change the subject and eat because we are going to be late" Jungkook said

"Since when do you care if you are late?" Jin said

"Since now" Jungkook told him

The boys ate and went to dress up to school. When they dressed up they got to their car and Tae drove to school. For once the day started without any fights and it continued like that for the rest of day. The last bell finally rang and it was time to clean up the school. They packed up their stuff and went straight to the principals office. When they arrived they saw Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi already there waiting. After a few minutes the principal came and opened the door and all the boys went inside.

"I will be dividing you into groups" the principal told them

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