seeing him part 3

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*Sorry if the chapters are short they will get longer when the story gets interesting and please comment recommendations and story's you would like me to do next thank you so much for reading and please vote it would mean a lot*

You and Luca get to Malcom house and ring the doorbell. Malcolm comes rushing out not even noticing you until he's walking out

Malcolm: whoa, y/n?

You: yessir

Malcolm and Luca catch up as your walking to school. You get to school and head to your first period with Malcolm and see Samy he gets up in shocked and gives you a hug

Samy: wow I heard you were here but didn't know if it was true

You: well now you know it's true

Samy: have you seen Mar yet

*mar has always had a crush on you that you didn't know about but all the boys did and you like him to but nobody knew and the day you left for Cali you kissed him on the cheek*

You: actually no I haven't seen him

Samy: well what's you schedule
*you hand him your schedule*

Samy: oh well your gonna see him because he has your next period with you

You: oh cool do and of you guys have that period *you ask the boys*

They all shake there heads no

Luca: it's just gonna be you and Mar.

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