26 ❆ "It's just some history, is it not?"

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Hayoon nodded before she began talking, "My mom is... interesting, she's kind of crazy but in a good way. She's kind and has always taken care of me my entire life, never letting anything bad happen to me and reeking havoc on anyone who tried to hurt me."

Songhee smiled at the genuine look of love seen in Hayoon's hazel eyes, "She sounds lovely."

Hayoon smiled, "She'd like you, if she ever met you."

"Maybe one day she will," Songhee commented while shrugging, Hayoon looked at her and licked her bottom lip before continuing.

"I had a twin brother," Songhee's playful expression faltered at the word had, "his name was Donghan, where i'm from they don't really like elementals. He was caught using his ability and they shot him dead," Hayoon swallowed the lump that formed in her throat at the mention, Songhee pouting.

She hated seeing people she cared about in pain.

Songhee walked the small distance between their beds and hugged Hayoon tight, ignoring the blush that formed on her face at the intimacy she was initiating. But she always hugged people when they looked hurt, hugs seemed to be a secret physical remedy that could make people feel better or immediately break down.

Thankfully, Hayoon hugged her back and hummed with the feeling.

Songhee was smaller than Hayoon in their physique, Hayoon had some muscle and broad shoulders, while Songhee was small. So, having Songhee in her arms felt like a door being opened to feelings Hayoon didn't like.

As Songhee pulled away, she looked at Hayoon, her eyes staring intensely into the younger females.

Hayoon began to lean upward, since Songhee was standing and she was sitting, her cold hand coming into contact with Songhee's cheek.

Songhee closed her eyes, waiting for the sensation of Hayoon's lips pressed against her own. She waited for what felt like an eternity, even feeling Hayoon's breath fanning over her lips at one point.

That was until Hayoon's hand flew off her cheek and she heard the door to the bathroom slam.

Songhee opened her eyes, releasing the breath she knew she was holding the entire time.

To say she was confused was an understatement.


Hoseok and Yoongi walked a couple paces away from each other as they went to the library.

Today was the first day of their "re-search".

They had to keep their distance since fire and frost couldn't be near each other at the moment.

Stupid Victor.

"I'll walk in first, you after, pretend you're waiting in line or something so she doesn't get suspicious," Yoongi stated, Hoseok nodding.

Yoongi walked into the library calmly, walking over to the front desk and waiting for the librarian to ask him what he needs.

"Yes, how may I help you?" she asked, her name being Mrs. Eu, she was a kind woman if you were on her good side.

Thankfully, Yoongi was.

Hoseok, not so much, she's scolded many times for being too loud.

Hoseok casually stood behind Yoongi, he had grabbed a random book to look occupied and pretended to read it.

"Hi, Mrs. Eu," Yoongi put on his best innocent facade, which was actually pretty easy for him, "I've just been really curious about the academies history and stuff and I wanted some information about Akane and Joonwae, the incident that happened with them about 18 years ago?"

Mrs. Eu's soft smile faded from her face, her expression going cold in seconds. She was an Earth elemental. Hoseok looked up, Mrs. Eu catching his gaze and narrowing his eyes in his direction.

"You shouldn't be looking into that, Yoongi, niether of you," she glanced at Hoseok, who looked away quickly.

Yoongi cursed under his breath,

"Please, i've been curious, we both have. Can you blame us?" Yoongi exclaimed, not loud enough to disturb the peace of the huge library but enough to irritate the librarian, "there isn't much and we want to know."

"For what?" Mrs. Eu inquired, "You shouldn't be-"

"Why? If it's not important why are you being so defensive?" Hoseok chimed, walking up to the desk as well, "It's just some history, is it not?"

Mrs. Eu gulped, her jaw clearly clenched, "I-"

"I wouldn't mind telling my brother about how you witnessed two fire and frost elementals together and didn't say a word," Yoongi now threatened, Mrs. Eu's eyes widening, "I saw all four of them, and you didn't say anything, didn't tell them to distance-"

"They were across the table!"

"Still too close and at the time us fire and frost couldn't be around each other!" Yoongi countered, "now point us to the information or I'd be more than glad to pay Victor a visit."

Of course, Yoongi didn't want to threaten the older woman, but he had no other choice. She wasn't going to give in and he wanted this information, he didn't care if he had to use his brothers position as a marshalle to do it.

"Fine," Mrs. Eu caved, "there are articles on the event on the third floor, near the back, there is also information of elementals there, information you two shouldn't have." she suddenly grabbed Hoseok and Yoongi's hands, a pleading look in her eyes, "be careful." she muttered before letting them go and walking away to her small office a few feet away from the front desk.

Hoseok and Yoongi stared at each other, "Do you think-"

Yoongi slowly nodded, not truly comprehending that Mrs. Eu knew what they were doing and wasn't trying to stop them.

That only fueled his curiosity even more.

While also causing a spark of curiosity to run through Hoseok.

"Victor's your brother?" Hoseok asked as they went up the stair case, he ignored the perfect view he got of Yoongi's ass as they went up.

Yoongi nodded, "I was going to tell you eventually, just never really came up. He's my half brother, we're not close."

Hoseok nodded, "The more you know I guess."

Yoongi chuckled, walking over to the section Mrs. Eu directed them in. He quickly pulled out the articles, articles that were 18 years old.

He looked at Hoseok, "Let's get started."

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