Chapter 17

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The icy air nipped at Sophie's cheeks. She held Caily closer to her, trying to shield her from the cold. The cloaks she had made them put on helped, but elves just didn't have the same coats, hats, mittens, and gloves humans had. When Sophie wondered why, she wanted to smack herself in the face. Body temperature regulation. Duh! Why hadn't she thought of that before?

Sophie focused on where the cloak rubbed with her skin and tried to amplify that feeling. Soon, she was toasty warm. Caily must have noticed too, because she snuggled even closer to Sophie.

"Are we going to stand here shivering, or are we actually gonna do something?" Keefe asked her. Sophie smiled.

"Yeah, let me show you," she said, stooping down to the ground. Before Keefe could make another clever remark, she grabbed a hunk of snow and tossed it at him. May and Caily burst into a round of giggles, while Keefe just stood there stunned. Then the snow started dripping down his back.

"You have doomed yourself!" He cried as he gathered snow. Much to Sophie's delight, he was a beginner in snowball fights, whereas she had plenty of experience. All of his snowballs weren't packed enough and fell apart mid-air.

Sophie sat Caily in the snow with May and prepared for war. Caily happily sat and examined the snow, poking it, licking it, and even trying to eat some. May started building a castle, like the ones she would build at the beach or in her sandbox. She was pleased to learn that snow stayed together much better than sand.

"Okay, as much fun as it would be to kick your butt in a snowball fight, I think we'd better set a good example for the girls," Keefe said, eyeing the large snowball Sophie held up.

"Since when have you cared about setting a good example?" Sophie questioned. "You just don't want to lose."

"Mommy! Daddy! I wanna build a snowman!" May said, and with that the snowballs were forgotten. Sophie was filled with memories of Amy, but also the new ones she made with her daughters.

"Eat!" Caily said when Sophie pulled out a carrot.

"No, this is for the snowman!" Sophie told her. "Besides, you don't even have enough teeth to eat carrots!"

"But I'm hungry!" Caily protested. She rubbed her tiny belly.

"Me too!" May said.

"Then it must be time for the next part of Mommy's birthday!" Keefe proclaimed. He held out a blue light leaping crystal and held it up to the light. Without further explanation, he pulled the girls into the beam of light.

"Are we in the forbidden cities?" Sophie asked, her eyebrows raised.

"Maybeeee" Keefe admitted with a smirk. "We needed to come here for the next part of the surprise!"

Keefe pulled them towards a small shop with the words Laketown Tea Shop written on a sign dangling above it. The shop was beautiful. Evergreen branches lined the big windows, preparing for Christmas. Inside, there were tiny teapots along one wall, and all kinds of tea lining another. A young woman sat behind a glass counter, ringing up a package of tea for an older lady. When she was done she looked up and noticed them.

"Hi! Welcome to Laketown Tea Shop! My name is Britta. How can I help you today?" Britta was slender, with long red hair and bright green eyes. Her face was dotted with freckles. She had on a flowy green shirt with white jeans. On top of that was a white apron.

"We have a reservation," said Keefe. Sohpie looked at him. No they didn't!

"Last name?" Britta asked.

"Foster," Keefe responded. Sophie expected Britta to look back up and tell them she didn't have a Foster on her list, but instead she smiled.

"Right this way. She's waiting for you in the dining room." Britta led them through a door leading to a big room filled with tables. Most of the tables had people sipping cups of tea and munching on scones. Couples, mothers and daughters, and groups of friends gathered as they drank tea and chatted. Then Sophie saw her.

At a table in the corner of the room sat a young woman with curly-ish brown hair and green eyes.

"Amy!" Sophie hadn't realized she'd said it out loud until her sister looked up and saw them.

"Sophie!" Amy called. "Happy birthday!" Sophie pulled Amy into a hug.

"You set this up?" she asked.

"Yeah! I know Britta, one of the employees, from college and I knew this place would be perfect! They serve the best hot chocolate!" They all sat down, Britta bought a high-chair over for Caily, and started looking at the menus.

"How are my adorable nieces?" Amy asked.

"Hungry!" Mat said with a giggle. She walked over to Amy and plopped herself on her lap.

"You're in luck! I can ask Britta to bring over some cookies!" Amy said.

"You're just as bad as Edaline!" Sophie said when the cookies came and Amy put three on May's plate. Mat had already started munching on her cookies, and Caily looked at Sophie like she had been forgotten.

"Cookie!" Caily demanded. Sophie gave in and put a cookie on Caily's plate.

"Amy, what in the world is a sconey?" Keefe asked after looking over the menu.

"A scone, Keefe." Amy corrected.

"It's like a.. Well, it's a dessert." Sophie explained, realizing she hadn't had a scone recently enough to describe it. After ordering a large pot of hot chocolate, they sat and drank and talked.

A few weird looks came their way when Caily talked, and Caily didn't help.She said hello to each of them.

"This has been amazing, thank you guys so much," Sophie said, hugging Amy.

"Don't say goodbye yet!" Keefe said. "We still have one more thing to do!"

"This town isn't called Laketown for its puddles!" Amy said with a mischievous look on her face.

"We're going skate-icing!" Keefe pronounced. Amy elbowed him and whispered something in his ear. "Nope! We're going ice-skating!!" Sophie laughed at his mispronunciation, until she realized what he had just said.

"No! We are not going ice-skating! I will fall and die!" she protested.

"That's exactly why we're going! Not for the dying part, but watching you fall all the time will be great!" Keefe smirked.

"Ugh, fine." Sophie said. She had learned to pick her battles with Keefe. He could be as insistent as Silveny. "Let's go witness my death."

So, that one wasn't terrible. (:

Do you guys want me to do them ice-skating, or just go to a new scene. I want to do more of Amy in the book, cause she's really fun! Thanks for reading!

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