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Liam seemed to be familiar with it. He held the toy and turned her head, but he gave it to Bella. his big eyes like grapes, blinking.

"You want to play with me?"

"Play, play." Liam's expression ability wasn't good enough.

Liam took out another toy for Mr. Bennett. "Papa, papa. play."

Bella held the toy, which made her feel a little awkward. She sat and played with Mr. Bennett and Liam, and they look like a family.

Seeing that Liam was having a good time, should she go back to her room now?

Mr. Bennett found out that Bella wanted to leave. He pursed his lips and continued to lower his head to play with Liam.

He seemed to inadvertently say to Bella, "Liam has not been accompanied by his mother since he was very little. He likes you very much. I'm very happy to see you. After all, I let you live in, and partly because Liam likes you."

When he heard that Liam had no mother, Bella's heart softened.

"Mommy." Liam turned to Bella.

Bella looked at Liam's cute face, and immediately gave up all her worries and happily played with Liam.

Liam did not sleep until it was very late because he was especially happy.

When he was finally sleepy, it was already early in the morning when he was willing to sleep. Bella put Liam into the crib, and she was also tired. When she was ready to go back to the room, she turned around and saw that Mr. Bennett was against the wall asleep.

She looked at the face of Mr. Bennett. he was really the kind of person who looked particularly good. At first glance, it was amazing. And you would fall in love at a second glance.

She couldn't help but stare at Mr. Bennett.


After she looked at it for a while, she realized that the more she looked at him, the more familiar he got, especially his chin and lips.

She subconsciously used her hands to block the upper part of Mr. Bennett's face, until she could only see Mr. Bennett's chin.

Oh my God!

She sat back weakly on the ground.

How could this be?


Why did Mr. Bennett's chin and lips look exactly like Mr. Steiner!

Could it be...


She would have thought that Tony was Mr. Steiner because of Tony and Mr. Steiner's jaw were alike.

But now she realized that Tony was at most 70% similar!

and Mr. Bennett was 100%.

From this point of view, it was particularly similar.

it was the same!

Bella's throat suddenly felt like it was being choked. She couldn't even breathe. She bit her lip and forced herself to stand up. She quietly opened Mr. Bennett's bedroom.

After she was gone, Mr. Bennett opened his eyes. When Bella walked in front of him, he had waked up. 

He looked at the closed door and thought about it.


After Bella return to her room, she felt a little nervous.

Really similar!

And it was exactly the same!

Previously, she had determined that Tony was Mr. Steiner, but the evidence showed that he was not at all. It was impossible for one person to be in two places at the same time.

She had never doubted that he would be Mr. Bennett who was the head of the military district in the southern US. 

It could not be him!

But... the chin and lips of Mr. Steiner and Mr. Bennett were exactly the same. How could we explain it?

Moreover, Mr. Steiner's phone rang in Mr. Bennett's study room at that time. At that time, she decided that Tony was Mr. Steiner.

However, Tony was not Mr. Steiner.

That Mr. Bennett, how could he explain the phone in the study room?

The more Bella thought, the more confused she felt, but she had mistakenly acknowledged Tony once. She doesn't want to mistake again, she needs to found evidence. And she didn't want to think about it more. 

She thought about it, took out her phone and made a call.

After the call was answered, Bella said, "Help me find out if Mr. Bennett has left new Orleans in the past six months.

"Okay." The other side immediately agreed. After a short conversation, Bella hung up. She looked at the ceiling, sighing.

She had just called her private detective.

Vanessa said that her son is still alive, so she secretly hires a private detective to look into it. and Investigate Vanessa secretly.

Now, she hoped that the private detective would find out as soon as possible what is the relationship of Mr. Steiner to Mr. Bennett.

The next day, Bella was asked to get early again.

It started to rain outside again and was foggy. Bella got up from the bed in unwillingness.

She trembled as she climbed from the bed. Mr. Bennett saw that she was cold, and took off his sports jacket and put it on her.

The jacket still had the scent and body temperature of Mr. Bennett's body on it. It was very warm and gave a sense of security.

Just thinking that Mr. Bennett might be... Without waiting for her to think about it, Mr. Bennett led her directly to the fitness room: "We are not going out for a run today, we'll run indoors."

Her health condition was a little better. She could still breathe badly for an hour, but she wouldn't even stand up. She was not cold now, she was about to die from the heat.

She still felt tired, but on the other hand, she was more powerful than her before, but her face was not red and she gasped.

Mr. Bennett said to her, "Yesterday, you slept too late. let's end it today. Tomorrow, we need to intensify our training. You go back to your room and change your clothes, come down to eat breakfast, and remember to hug Liam."

Before Bella was pleased with her stronger body, she had been frightened by tomorrow's intense training.

Bella nodded, "Yes, I understand."

After he finished speaking, Bella turned to go upstairs. Mr. Bennett looked her back and he knew that Bella had been looking at him secretly today.

After eating, Mr. Bennett looked at Bella who was absent-minded and knocked on the table.

Bella replied, "Ah? what's wrong?"

"I have something to deal with today. As for Liam, I can only keep him at home." Mr. Bennett told Bella coldly.

"It's hokey. I'll take care of Liam." Bella nodded.

"You don't have to delay your work. he's very good. You only need to coax him when he cries. Let the nanny take care of him." he said to Bella who was sitting next to Liam, in a gentle way.

"Okay, I got it." Bella agreed.

Mr. Steiner, A Charming ManWhere stories live. Discover now