🪬Chapter Six🪬

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Being alive is actually a lot more expensive than I originally thought.


"I'm sure that you're in total shock that you died, and I understand you completely! It was indeed my fault after all. You weren't meant to die this young, I had made many plans and much more for you to experienced your future."

Her voice was annoyed, then it shifted to a more fatigued voice. Was being an almighty God that bad? I thought they all just listened to prayers and chose to see if they accepted their offerings from those mini or large shrines? Or did I mix it up with another super powerful being?

"Is that really how you humans truly view us? I didn't think we were too powerful..."

The voice mumbled something underneath her breath, too quiet for me to understand. Or maybe I just didn't want to hear it. Then again, I really shouldn't be having this conversation with God. At least I hope it's a God and not some creepy person pretending to be a woman.

"Hey... I'm dead, right? Where am I and what am I supposed to be going and doing with myself?"

Questioning my existence is a great way to start a conversation with a God. It's going to be completely fine! Not. Seriously, don't do what I'm doing. Only one of us is real at the moment.

"Unfortunately, that's again my fault and I can completely understand your frustrations. How could a humble God like me have messed up. I'm so terribly ashamed of my actions, but I simply cannot bring you back to your old world. So I-"

"Please don't tell me."

I held up my hand to stop wherever this "God" was talking from. During all my monologues, I didn't realize that my feet had actually touched the ground and I was standing on my two feet.

"You should know it's quite impolite to suddenly interrupt someone when they are the ones speaking, correct?" The "God's" voice snapped slightly at being ordered to be kept silent. They made a audible sigh before continuing their speech.

"Now, I know you must be saddened by the sudden intervention you've experienced, but I cannot bring your soul back to your old world. Instead, I can-"

I immediately stopped the lady from continuing on anymore.

"Stop! I know exactly where this is going!"

Yelling at this time helped, it seriously didn't take a genius to figured out where this was headed. I've already read plenty of those online novels of these things that'll happen after multiple times throughout all my years of spending in that outrageous hospital. You die, you meet God, you get blessed from them, your soul gets chucked into your new world, and you get all these super cool powers that you learn to control as you get older! Read all those same plots and genres so many times as a kid.

"You truly are quite knowledgeable about this type of stuff..."

She sighed again with a exhaustion clearly in her tone. It seems like my presence was truly bothering her. Too bad.

I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Not exactly. I just grew up as a weird kid that didn't get to experience the nature of actually walking outside and making more friends my age range." I absentmindedly drummed my fingers over the arms.

"I just really enjoy novels, I guess. Gave me something to look forward every morning I woke up to. My best friends are always there for me, that I'm grateful for." I couldn't help but smiled at the memories of all the dumb teenagers shit we've done. Fun times for sure.

"But... I was definitely lonely. They can't always stay long, they have their own personal lives ahead of them that clearly doesn't include me in it. They have other friends and better hobbies to do than sitting in a hospital room with a sickly lad that obviously wouldn't even make it t his 20's." I glanced up the ceiling, although there was no ceiling. Just batch black.

"You're right. I am pissed. I'm angry at you, miss God. You've made me miserable, my whole life, just for what?" I nearly hissed out those words through my teeth, I wanted to be petty. I really did.

"I want to blame you. Because of YOUR mistakes, I had to suffer. All those years of being pricked by sharp needles digging into my veins, stuffing down those tasteless pills and medicine down my throat that were supposed to "help me" were absolute bullshit and didn't even helped, the increasing amount of hospital bills my poor parents had to pay just to keep me breathing, not being able to even step outside anymore to just touch the grasses and not having the stomach eat something tasty for once."

There were so many awful things I wanted to lay out. So many angry words that obviously weren't kind ones or should be saying out loud to a God, but I didn't care. I mean, I'm already dead.

"You. You ruined my life because you couldn't do your job."

The reincarnated boy. UNDER MAYJOR EDITING.Where stories live. Discover now