Chapter 7

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Hermione woke up around 8:30 the next morning. She opened the windows in her room to let some fresh air in and then jumped into the shower. When she got out, she went to her closet and found something to wear before going over to her favorite chair to read for a bit. When she looked down at her watch, it was already 10:05. She was late. She quickly put her shoes on and apparated and walked to the cafe. It was 10:20 before she arrived, and she kicked herself as she walked in and saw Draco sitting alone at the same table they shared before. A cup of coffee was waiting for her. 

"I am so sorry, I am late. I got ready quickly and sat down to read for a bit. Time escaped me."

"Don't worry about it," Draco smiled at her, and they talked about what she had been reading for a while. 

"So I was thinking while I was getting ready this morning," Draco waited for the question he knew would come, "What do I wear to a gala?"

"Well, I will be in a tux. It is a mix of wizards and muggles so that no one will be wearing traditional dress robes. Most of the women wear gowns."

"Gowns?" Hermione didn't own a gown.

"Are you going to Diagon Alley to shop with Ginny tonight?"

"Yes?" Hermione wasn't sure what that had to do with this situation. 

"Well, there is a place there that sells gowns. If you go in and tell them I sent you, they will help you out. You can put it on my tab if you want."

"Draco, that won't be necessary."

"I am the one that asked you to come as a favor to me; I should be the one to buy your dress."

Hermione thought for a minute. How would she explain any of this to Ginny? "Alright, are they going to believe me when I tell them to put it on your tab?

"I'll owl the owner. It will be taken care of when you get there. Do you think you'll go tonight? I should owl them soon if you are. 

"Well, you never even told me when it is."

"Right. it is next Saturday night."

"Well, it looks like I don't have any other choice."

"I should have told you about when it was last week." 

"Probably." Hermione rolled her eyes and wondered what kind of dress she was going to buy. She had never been to a gala, and she didn't want to look out of place, especially if she was accompanying the CEO of the company that was hosting the gala. 

They talked for a bit more before Hermione had to leave. Draco kissed her cheek goodbye, and Hermione thanked him for everything, and she walked to an alley and apparated back home. She was caught completely off guard when Ron was standing in the kitchen looking at the pictures on the refrigerator. 

"Ron, what are you doing here?"

"I came back an hour ago and knocked, and you didn't answer, so I just went back and got the key. I came to get the rest of my clothes.

"Oh..." Hermione looked at the clock; it was almost two. Ginny would be here soon, and she prayed she would be early.

" 'Mione?" Ginny came through the fireplace with a smile on her face that Hermione was dressed and ready to go. 

"Ron, what on earth are you doing here? I said two."

"I...I couldn't remember, and when there was no answer, I thought it was alright. She just came back."

Hermione put together that Ron needed his things, and Ginny thought it was a great idea to have him get them while they were away. She wondered if Ginny set the whole shopping trip up just so she would be out of the house when he got here.

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