Time to wake up

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"What's your name?" You asked it.

"I have no name, my dear friend." It doesn't have a masculine nor feminine voice. It's a amalgamation of different voices you've heard throughout your life. It's like hearing a crowd of all walks of life speak together simultaneously.

Since it is not human or any being from your realm, it cannot produce sounds, images, tastes, smells or sensations that a human could understand. Hence, it can only communicate to you via your memories, a database of what it currently knows.

You took a step to the right, following the flow of the calming melody.

"Can I give you a name?" You looked up to its 'eyes'. It's green, no it's blue, no, it's brown... it's constantly changing. The shape, the colour and the size of them are from the eyes you have seen and remembered. From your memories.

Everything about it is so familiar yet so exotic. Of course it would be familiar, what you're sensing right now are entirely from your memories! It just 'cuts and pastes', modify, to make it fitting for the occasion.

"I would be honoured, my dear." You felt three pairs of hands stroke your hair from behind and caress the skin under your chin. You usually dislike touches like this, but you love it when it comes from your 'friend'.

You rest your head on its chest, it oddly feels like a very, very soft pillow, not like a body at all.

"Do you want me to be warm?" It asked. You nodded on its fluffy chest, soon it's part warmed up. It reminds you of a comfortable, hot water bottle.

"Thanks." You mumbled. It held onto you tightly and stopped dancing although the music in the background goes on.

"You're really pretty." You muttered at you play with a strand of its hair, its silky and... watery? It's like slime now, it's sticky and pudgy but it doesn't stick to your hand. Purples, yellows, blues and green swirl and blend to form an eye-catching pattern, specks of white represented stars from galaxies.

Galaxy... it's a fitting name for your astral friend. You looked up and noticed that there were 'clouds' of his ephemeral "hair" floating around the both of you like synchronized swimmers.

You watch it hover past your eyes.

"Can I call you Galaxy?" You asked it.

"Of course, my dear (y/n)." The entity picked you up and cradled you in it's 'arms'. It possesses more than a pair, you were very secured in its grip.

"Maybe Lexie? It's easier to pronounce." You added as you watch deep purple bubbles gather around your cheek, soothingly massaging them.

"Of course, I'll accept anything you give me." The bubbles popped and pink butterflies manifested, fluttering around the both of you.

You know that this is a dream or something like that. You wished that it never ends, you would stay in this whimsical heaven of yours with your friend forever.

You grinned as you rubbed your head against it's pillowy form.

"Then you shall be named Lexie."
You giggled as it 'kisses' your forehead with a pair of lips.

"And I shall be eternally grateful for your wonderful gift. Thank you." It cuddled you tighter.

You yawned and smack your lips, suddenly you feel extremely fatigued. Odd, you're in a dream, why do you have a very strong desire to sleep? You wonder if you'll have a dream within a dream—

"Lexie? Why did the music stop?" You murmured as you struggled to keep your eyes open.

It slowly lets you go, you now laid on the polished wooden floor. Although it doesn't have any distinguishable facial features, you could tell that its distraught and uncomfortable.

"Lexie?" You tried your best to sit up. You noticed the surroundings start to crack and chip, you picked up a piece just for it to crumble into dust.

"You're waking up..." Lexie whispered. "No... it's too soon, I'm not— I haven't fully patch up the hole in your jaw, you can't hear, you can't smell, you can't see— I'm not done yet!" It yelled, causing the world around you to tremor.

You brought your hands to your ears, Lexie voice became deranged. It's not a pleasant murmur of crowds anymore, it sounded like a hundred people screaming in agony.

You shuddered as you felt Lexie engulf your form, protecting you from the large chunk falling onto you.

"My dear, please... listen to me." Lexie began to adapt a more masculine voice, however it still sounded like multiple people are talking.

"W-what's happening? I'm scared..." It wiped your tears away with a thumb.

"There is nothing I can do, your body wants to wake up— I can't stop you from feeling pain anymore." He whispered, gently stroking your hair, trying to calm you.

"I don't want to wake up!" You sobbed.

"I like it here! I don't want to leave! I don't want to leave you!" You held onto him tightly as his
galaxy-like body soaked your tears up.

"(Y/n), I'll always be with you. I'm a part of you that can never go away." Lexie deflected another chunk away from you.

"I-I don't want to feel pain, what is going to happen to me when I wake up!?" You shivered.

Lexie kept quiet for a while, he seem to be contemplating about something.

"Lexie!" You screamed when you felt pain for the first time in months. It felt like volts of electricity shocked your body.

"My dear, my dear... please, I promise I'll take care of it." He pressed the palm of his hand on your forehead, it helped alleviate the pain a bit.

"What is happening!?"

"This will end, you will not suffer anymore." He mumbled before forming a black bubble in his 'hand'. Its growing in size every second.

"Lexie!" You screamed in terror as you felt needles prick your arms.

"Remember, my dear (y/n)... I'm a part of you. I'll always be there for you." Lexie pressed the bubble against your cheek, soon your head enters it and you couldn't feel pain anymore.

"...you will never be alone." He cooed before engulfing your whole body with the dark bubble. You relaxed yourself and let your head roll to the side, you're exhausted.

You panicked when the bubble started becoming opaque, it's just like watching black paint being spilt and spread throughout the surface of the bubble.

"Lexie!" You shriek as you slam your fist against the barrier.

"Even though you can't see, hear or feel me, I'll always be here with you." Lexie whispered, you could hear him clearly.

"You're never alone." He added, eight pair of floating hands grabbed you from behind, preventing you from damaging the wall of the bubble.

"Lexie! What is happening!?" You yelled as you thrash around in your restraints.

"I love you, my dear friend." He cooed before disappearing into the darkness.

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