Sanji X Male! Reader

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On the easter side of the town lived a happy little family. If little meant about thirteen people that was. The family consisted of your usual parents and couple older siblings and younger siblings and your grandmother and then there was [Name].
The family had for generations produced the best of the best when it came to cooking, there were notes of it going centuries back. And then there was [Name].

The [e/c] eyed lad loved food just as much as any member of the family, but he just somehow was never able to get the recipes right. What was supposed to be sweet tasted salty, what was to be sour became sickly sweet and it wasn't even that he wasn't following the recipes right. Oh no. [Name] always followed the recipes to the point where you could see him measuring everything precisely as it was, putting it in the exact order, at the right time, and still what he made ended up being disastrous.

If you gave him a wrench or a screwdriver however and told him that there was something funny going on with your electric oven or your ship's engine or anything that had to do with mechanical problems, he was able to locate the problem within minutes and repair the thing in an hour at max. If you'd pay him some extra, he'd even upgrade things and make them last twice as long as they usually did.

This little talent didn't go unnoticed by the [h/c] head's mother, who soon had her young son study under a proper mechanic; and in the process [Name] became like the grandson the old mechanic never had.

At the age of twelve or so though, the boy started to have a little trouble because of his soul mate suddenly making themselves known. And boy did it start horrendously. The poor boy could feel the hunger pains of the other one and to his horror, it was clear that they were slowly starving, there was a time when he could even feel their soul slipping away. So he'd reacted like any rational child did and started to eat a tad bit more, believing firmly that because he could feel his soul mate's hunger, clearly if he ate more, it could save their life.

And then his advisor/grandfather figure told him that it didn't work that way. What a disappointment and a wake up call. It was honestly like a cold slap to your face.

Luckily the other person managed to survive but this brought a new problem along. [Name] could now smell the same scents as the other person could. It was mostly food but once he'd turned twenty himself, the scent of tobacco had been mixed in along with wine. So naturally, he'd thought that his soul mate was probably older than him and worked at a restaurant.

Yeah, no, the restaurants that the bloody island had didn't employ anyone who smoked. And the scents of those foods were a bit off, it was as if they were missing something trivial from them, some ingredient that just wasn't available on that specific part of the vast island. Or maybe it was the wrong type of salt.

Disappointed in his unsuccessful findings, the mechanic had returned to his work, believing that his soul mate resented him and thus hid themselves, that had to be the only reason.
"You know, [Name], ever since you mentioned that you could smell the same things that your fated one did, it has made me wonder one thing", Jun, the older mechanic said as he rested his hand on the tire, the rest of his body slouched against something one could only refer to as a very small train that could probably be driven down the streets by a single person. "Hmm?" was all that the man could hear coming from beneath the said device near its rear as the [h/c] mechanic was fixing its axel, highly concentrated on his task.

"Okay so, this might sound crazy, but hear me out on this one, you said that the gal's cooking smelled like it had some off ingredient that doesn't grow here, right, what if... Just listen to me man, what if your soul mate was an outsider"

The sound of something hitting the metal, followed by loud cursing made it clear that [Name] had just hurt his head on the said axel. Jun watched how his best friend emerged from beneath the invention the old man was obsessed with. The male's forehead was red and nose bled a little and he was holding the other half of the axel, another victim of corrosion, on his gloved hand. [E/c] eyes narrowed, he rubbed his nose, smearing motor oil on his face in the process.

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