45. 15 Years Later- Part One

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"Scorpius, will you hurry up and get the rest of your school things, please!"

The irritated, but still eternally beautiful voice of his wife floated down the hallway of Malfoy Manor as Draco stepped out of their bedroom, fussing with the cuff of his jacket.

Turning the corner down the hallway, his son ran straight into him, his arms full of jars of potions ingredients and a towering pile of books.

"Oops! Sorry Dad!" He threw his Father a quick smile and adjusted his armful of school supplies before continuing down the hallway towards his Mother.

Draco stood for a moment and watched his son. His magnificent, perfect son. Scorpius was the spitting image of him, from his tall frame and pale skin to the mop of platinum blonde hair on top of his head. The only difference was his eyes; he had inherited his Mother's beautiful, warm, honey-coloured eyes and Draco thanked Merlin every day that he hadn't inherited the cold, stormy ones so iconic of a Malfoy. He smiled at the memory of the day he had found out Hermione was pregnant, less than two years after he had given her the promise ring.

Flashback- 13 years ago

Draco lounged in the soft, overstuffed armchair in Hermione's living room. Although not as grand and ostentatious as Malfoy Manor, Draco absolutely adored Hermione's apartment. Everything felt warm and homely and, over the last year and a half, it had slowly begun to feel like their home.

He knew Hermione wouldn't finish at the Ministry for another few hours, but he wanted time to plan the most perfect dinner date for her. The Quidditch World Cup was quickly approaching so her workload had doubled; he just wanted to show her how much he loved and appreciated her.

Looking around the room, his heart swelled at the collection of framed pictures Hermione had hung on the wall. Scattered between photos of her as a child, holidays with her parents and during her time at school, were photographs of the two of them, capturing the memories they had shared so far. Like the time he had apparated both of them to Australia just for one trip to the beach, or the time she had borrowed Harry's cloak and snuck him to the top of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

He smiled at the happy memories and slowly rose out of his chair, waving his wand to put away the pile of books that he had slowly accumulated over the last few hours.

Suddenly, a great whoosh came from the fireplace and Draco whipped around to find a coughing Hermione crouched on the carpet, looking incredibly pale and ill.

"Mione!" Draco exclaimed in shock, running over to her to help her stand up and immediately noticing how her tears were running tracks through the dust on her face.

She wouldn't look at him as she continued to sob, and Draco felt his body go cold.

"Mione, please," Draco pleaded, holding tightly on to her elbows to help her stay standing. "Tell me what's happened?"

Hermione's face became impossibly pale as she swayed on the spot. Draco held on to her tightly as she continued to stare across the room, her lip quivering as she tried to stop her sobs.

After what seemed like a lifetime, Hermione finally spoke; her voice shook with terror, "Draco, please don't be upset."

Draco squeezed her tighter, his heart now beating rapidly against his ribs. "Never, I could never be mad at you. Just, please, tell me." He muttered, truthfully, trying to hide his nerves.

Draco continued to stare at Hermione and, taking a deep breath, she finally looked up to meet his gaze. Her eyes wide with terror and her entire body shaking she whispered, "I'm pregnant Draco."

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