Chapter 3 (Still the same day)

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Dylan's POV
We walked around the park sharing life stories, exciting moments and Aaron talked about his great adventures when travelling with his family and all about his sister Caitlin. Since he was talking about his family I may as well tell mine even if it's sad. "Well, I live with...well I call her my sister but we're not related and all...her name is Kathy..." I stutter trying to put it into a way without crying and making a scene.

"Did I say something to upset you?" Aaron asks with a worried sad face expression as if my stuttering was his fault. "No! It's umm... Well you see my dad left me and my mum when I was seven and my mum passed away with cancer when I was 9," I start it get teary so I rub my eyes before the tears can flow as I do a little sniffle because the air was cold.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me Dyl-" I cut him off. "Nah, it's alright I'll keep going... My extended family lives in another country and I hate moving so I couldn't live with them so I was left in a foster home when I was 10. As always my foster parents treated me badly and gave me bruisers when ever I did something worng. One day my foster parents decided I should get out just so I don't go insane so we went to the markets down town," I had said all that and there is so much more so we decided to sit down by the frozen pond where I slipped earlier.

"When the foster parents were looking at something I ran away and bumped into another girl my age and hid me with her in her game of hide and seek with her friends. We played all day and I forgot all about being lost, hungry and lonely because I was having fun and had excitement. Unfortunately the day ended and one by one everyone started leaving except the girl I bumped into. She leaded me to a stall which was being packed up and put into storage and I soon found out it was her fathers stall. She waved me goodbye and I waved back and she took her fathers hand and a woman's which was her mothers. They started walking off together happily while I was left standing there watching them walk. I couldn't let them go because I wanted their happiness so bad that I let my big mouth talk." By this time i started to cry and Aaron moved my head into his chest as he shh'd me in a soothing toon as my tears flowed but I sob the rest of the story.

"I yelled out the little girls name, Kathy and immediately she turned around and realised I hadn't gone home. She started pulling on her mothers dress and her fathers trousers and they all turned around to face me. Her mother took my hand and told me that everything's going to be okay from here and on. I stayed with them in the quest room until they realised I was going to be there for a while and that's when they letted my out of the house and share a room with Kathy. We had and still have a lot in common that we are technically sisters and I call her parents mum and dad to symbolise that we are a family in a way."

My tears had stop and came out from his chest to see his eyes were watery from the story a bit as well. He was so sweet and kind, loving, friendly and not to mention gorgeous that I couldn't help myself... I leaned in a kissed him!

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