Chapter 57 - Shie Hassaikai Raid

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We got the plan set up! Is it stupid? Heck, yes, but we are willing to take the risk! We called all the heroes involved in the raid at five this morning to get their asses here. Meanwhile, I get my costume on.

Virus is on the scene without a helmet on! Of course, CAT and Patchy are coming with me as I need as much defense as possible. If I may be honest, I'm nervous about this. Yes, I can feel that.

Not about me before you ask. I am more than willing to throw myself in front of a bus to stop a villain! The only reason I don't is that Shouta would bring me back and make me suffer.

The reason I'm nervous is Shouta is involved in this. I don't mean as a fighter but as a significant role in the operation. I know the I made the idea, and I know Sho will accept it as it's the logical decision; however, the idea is risky. The only thing he will be against is that I am involved, but he can do shit about that.

Currently, I'm standing beside Sir Nighteye as we let in some of the heroes from last time at six in the fucking morning. We have the Fatgum Agency, Ryukyu agency, Sir Nighteye agency, Rock Lock (sadly), and Shouta.

Sir Nighteye starts his announcement, " We have found proof of where Eri is." Then, in the most professional way possible, he places this bright pink girl toy on the table. It takes everything in me not to laugh.

"How is that proof?" Fatgum asks.

"I saw one of the suspects picking it up."

"What if he's into cutesy things?!" Fatgum, we support gender equality and all that, but we have proof.

"I used my foresight on him."

That creates a shock across the room, "What?" Trust me, the way he used it was a sight to see. I have it saved on my phone now.

"I know how to get in, and I have seen it for myself. We will be raiding it today at eight this morning, but Eraserhead and Virus will be going in earlier to see how far they can go." Shouta immediately straightens up. Everyone in the room turns to face me.

Rock Lock steps forward, "Hold up. We are sending a kid in first? Why?" Sir Nighteye nods at me. It's my idea, so I might as well explain it.

"Overhaul is interested in me because I am quirkless. I believe he would let me in as he believes I might join his team. I'm bringing Eraserhead with me because I have worked with him before and for his quirk. If Overhaul and I have the same thinking, he would be interested in Eraser's quirk as it has the function he is looking for. If we go in deeper and meet Overhaul, Eraser can use his quirk, and we can jump him."

"It also can go wrong." Rock Lock decides to point out.

"Anything can go wrong."

"Should we really be sending a kid into this?"

That makes everyone go quiet, and I have to bite my tongue.

Ryukyu sighs, "I have to agree. Virus is not usually on the mission. He's usually only the planner."

Sir Night finally steps in," I believe in Virus's and Eraserhead's abilities. It's a risk I am willing to take as no matter what happens, Virus can get themselves out. The two robots will be going with them. Are there any more questions? If not, everyone can prepare." With no response, I walk from behind the table to join Shouta when Mirio stops me.

"Virus, let's save Eri together!" He suddenly starts swinging his arms with energy that I don't even think I have.

"I got it, and we will! I need to go talk to Eraserhead about our plan." I state quickly as I leave the room. I know Shouta too well because I know he is following me. I take him into an empty office and close the door behind us.

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